Chapter One: The Popular Girl

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I get out of Trenton's car and fake another smile as I walk through school doors. Trenton comes up behind me and grabs my ass. I act like I don't care and grin at him, knowing he would hurt me if I didn't show love for him.

"I love you, Sonya." he whispers in my ear and kisses my lips as I try to pull away. I pulled away from him and begin walking away. He runs after me and grabs my arm really hard then twists.

"Oww! Trent! Get off of me!" I rip his firm hand away from my elbow and go to my locker. Everyone sees us and begins to stare. "Most Popular Girl In School Gets Abused By Her Boyfriend?" I imagine in my head. I shiver and go into the bathroom stalls and cry. I sob into my own hands then someone knocks on my stall door.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear a girl say.
"Y-yes." I manage to choke out in between the miserable cries escaping my mouth. I wipe my tears away.

"No you're not. Open up, come on." the girl coaxes me to finally open the door.
"What do you want?" I say.
"Awe, Sonya! What's wrong?" I see my best friend standing there, Coley. She smiles and reaches into her bag and pulls out a tube of concealer.

"You don't want everyone to know that you've been crying, now do you?" she lifts my chin up and blends it into my skin to take the redness away.
"Thank you. It was Trent again," I say.

"It's okay, anytime Sonya," she smiles and puts the tube back into her bag.
"I'll see you around, Caliber."

"Wait! Wanna hang out after school?" I fake a smile to be friendly. I wanted her to come over, I just wanted to smile to add to the 'friendly-ness' affect.

"Uhh, sure. Your place?" I nod and she smiles then we both leave.

People say she's part of a bad crowd, I see Sonya differently than all the others. Sonya is my best friend. I love her. I mean, in a different way. More than a best friend kind of way.

Hey guys! I don't want to continue this unless I get more than 5 reads. Maybe I'll go for 10, please share and read!



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