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Today, I'm 12. I have a long life ahead of me. Thousands of years, but all spent here? The rolling hills of Voulnic breathe life into me each day, but I am desperate for more. I want to learn about more. The stars, the sky, the worlds beyond. Today would be the first day that I would experience pain. I've set to be on my journey. So here we go.
I take in a deep breath looking out to the rolling hills of Voulnic smiling at the smell of the air. I take a step off my doorstep, and take in a deep breath. I will myself to begin to jog, then run, then I'm sprinting. I run into the woods smiling to be out in the world, for I had never been. For 12 years of my life I had stayed indoors learning, maturing, and just learning to be responsible. But out here I felt different, I felt free.
I look up at the Jade sky. The down at the grass which sprouted in pouches and bushels. They were colored an odd turquoise, which I found unnatural. I look ahead of me, gaining speed, until I trip over a root from a nearby posamoya tree. My leg twists under me where I then fall onto the group gasping for air. I reach to my throat, clenching it to bring carbon monoxide back into my lungs. My breathing slowed until the corners of my vision began to fade; then when I thought I was gone, a felt a drip of liquid onto my forehead. I take in a deep breath and look at my leg, twisted and broken.
I cringe, clenching my teeth, and suppress a scream of agony. It begins raining harder. I push myself against a tree, using it to climb to my feet, and then begin to walk back to my home- which at this point is a while away. Out from tree-cover, a solid rock hits my shoulder.
I look down, picking up the stone, a diamond? Then one by one small ones transformed to medium sized ones. I try to jog, seeing my house in view. "One more step, one more step, one more step..!" Until I am upon my front door gasping in air, banging on the door.
My parents answer, letting me in. The warm glow of home had been all that I'd known. Now that I felt pain, I wanted to hide away. Never go anywhere different. But I came to figure out late that night that I liked the feeling of new, which was dangerous for a Voulnic kid.

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