Life has a funny way of messing with us. Mixing it up, shaping and molding us into it's own little creations. Taking us and putting us in places that we don't want to be, with people we don't want to know.
But it's funny how it all works out in the end. It's funny how all of the little things add up until suddenly they're the biggest things of all.
It's funny how we realize this all at once, and how we figure it out in our own little ways.
But then I wonder, is that because of life too?
Was it meant to be? Fate? Was it always going to work out like this, no matter what I did? Is this just a piece of something more?
Yes. Anything and everything you do, see, think, or feel, it's all a part of life. And you're influenced by the smallest things, in the weirdest ways.
In fact, I think that the mystery is the most beautiful part of it all.
A part of this funny thing called life.
This is sort of a nonsensical passage. I meant for it to be spoken word poetry, and have done public readings of it, so I guess you could call it that.