Pretty Little Dance Moms (Part 1)

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Spencer's POV

I was nervous. Rosewood high students had never done anything like this before. I'd never had a little sister, what was I going to do with her? Come on Spencer, act like a hastings. I thought to myself. "Spencer! Are you ready for your 'new little sister' this week?" Said Mrs.Montgomery, with a clipbpard in her hand. I forced a genuine smile "Yeah, it's going to be fun! Do you know who I have? " She read out the name "Maddie Ziegler." I'd heard about her, and knew she was a very good dancer. Maybe that's what I could do with her, ask her to show me some of her latest routines to keep her entertained.

Walking into the hall I saw about one hundred little kids, chatting and laughing with their friends, I wondered eagerly which one was Maddie. I walked up to one of the megaphones and said "Maddie Ziegler? Could you come here please?" Straight away a small girl jumped up and pranced over to me. She had beautiful, bright blue eyes and wore a pink cami with white shorts. "Hi Maddie, I'm Spencer and you're going to be staying with me this week." She smiled sweetly, saying "Heyy Spencer, I love those shoes! Is your house far away? Because my bag is kinda heavy!" She giggled. Immediately relaxing because of her polite and bubbly attitude, I replied "Aww thankyou! And oh don't worry about it, I'll drive you to my house. Tell you what, you go get your stuff and meet me back here in two minutes okay?" She nodded and ran away back to her friends.

I spotted Aria with two little girls, a tall blonde and a small brunette. "Hey Aria" I said walking over to her, "Hi Spenc! This is Brooke and this is Paige, girls this is my friend Spencer." Both girls smiled at me and the brunette said "I saw you talking to Maddie over there, is she staying with you?" "Yeah, do you know her?" The blonde girl replied "She's practically our sister, we dance with her everyday for six hours, and have done since we were around 2 years old." Aria and i shared an impressed, suprised look and I spoke "Wow, impressive! Well girls I'll have to get back to Maddie, but i'm sure I'll see you again soon. Aria, see you at lunch?" She nodded and I trundled back to Maddie.

I noticed that there was a smaller girl standing by her who looked just like Maddie but with big brown eyes. "Right then, are you ready to go?" I asked her, also noticing the huge pink suitcase that stood beside her, wow how long does she think she's staying for!?' i thought to myself wondorously. "Yep, we're all ready, oh by the way, this is my sister Mackenzie." She talked, pointing ot the little girl with the big brown eyes, "She'll be staying with us this week too." Maddie said, matter of factly. "Ohhh, hello Mackenzie! Well lets go put all your stuff into my car okay?" And the three of us walked out of the hall together.

Authors note: Hey guys! I love both of these shows so I wanted to mix the characters together with a different storyline to see if you liked it! Read more to find out who Emily and Hannah have staying with them! Chloe? Kendall? Nia? you'll soon find out! :)

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