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"Hey Coleen!" I yelled frustrated. We were late. I hated to be late.
"I'm coming!"Coleen called back. I sighed. It always took Coleen forever to get ready in the morning. My sister and I were invited to go to work with our mother for a day.
"Ok I'm ready." Coleen said. She came down wearing nearly everything white and a a couple of colorful accesories.
"What are you wearing?" I asked in a complaining tone.
"Duh our mom works at a weird sciency thing... So I got into character."She said. You see that's the thing about Coleen she is always 'getting into character'
I rolled my eyes.
"Well it's better than what you're wearing." Coleen sneered. I looked down at myself. My annoying little sister was right I had on holey jeans and a ragged T-shirt.
"Fair." I said walking out the door Coleen following close behind. The ride there was long. I didn't think Mom would drive this long for work. About thirty minutes passed we finally arrived.
"Here we are." Our mother said. It was a huge white building.
"It's told you it was sciency." Coleen said. I shook my head.
"'Sciency' isn't a word." I corrected her.
"Whatever." Coleen grumbled.
"Janette stay with your sister ok?" My Mom asked
"Alright." I told her. Great. I thought. Stuck with her for nine hours. I huffed. We walked in it was very futuristic almost like in the movies. Coleen instintly wandered off to explore, which makes it even harder to keep an eye on her. I had finally caught up to her when she was talking to someone.
"Hey," I said out of breath. "sorry I'm her sister."
"It's fine. Are you the Ms. Caste's daughters?" The woman asked.
"Yes ma'am." I said politely.
"Right this way." She said. Coleen and I exchanged looks and followed. She lead us to a room. It was eerie and different from the others. Which made me madly worried.
"Sit here please." She said pointing at two chairs "I'll be right back."
She left and Coleen laced her fingers into mine. She was scared. I didn't like it when she was scared.
"I don't wanna." She said horrified. I felt bad she was only twelve I wasn't very far at fourteen.
"I'm sure it's fine. Mom probably wants us to wait here." I tried to reassure her. Although I was terrified just as she was.
The chairs were on opposite sides of the room. I sat in one and Coleen sat hesitantly in the other. After minutes the woman came back in her appearance was different though. She was in nurses clothes when before she wore a pantsuit.
"Are you ready girls?" She asked. Coleen's eyes widened with worry.
"F-for what?" I asked, now even more scared than before. What could she want from us? I thought.
Suddenly something from the chairs wrapped around our wrists and ankles. Coleen shrieked as did I.
"What are you doing!?" Coleen screamed struggling.
" Oh, you're our test subjects. It was very kind of your mother to volunteer you two." The woman replied calmly.
No. NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE MOM WOULD NEVER DO THIS! I thought not knowing I was screaming at myself. I yelled and struggled but nothing work we were stuck.
"Let me explain. We've discovered something amazing. We can now change humans to different body's with different unusual abilities." She said cheerfully. "And you two will be-"
"NO!" I finally choked out. "Let us go we don't care what you have to offer!"
"Oh it's not an offer you'll do it one way or another." The woman said irritated.
"Maybe this time our test subjects won't die."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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