Untitled Part 1

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What a wonderful day it was for a wedding, warm, but not terribly so. The early May sun peeked out occasionally. A pleasant breeze from the north rustled in the surrounding shrubs, cooling the guests and family members as they took their seats on either side of the walk leading to the gazebo. Classical music drifted through the crowd. A tall women stood in a quiet room, looking at herself in the mirror. She spinned around showing her mum her dress. The dress was white with tiny little white flowers hanging off it." You ready". She nodded as she walked towards tall brown doors that slowly opened. Everyone looked at her smiling, crying and amazed at her dress. She smiled from left to right as she stood beside her husband. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together James Marshall and Rose Fernandez in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace". No one replied as the Priest continued." You may now kiss the bride". A roar of cheers and hurray filled the church as James gave Isabella a breather. They both smiled as they ran off into the car which had a big banner saying Just Married. It was the start of a new life and a New Marriage.

4 months Later

Screamed filled the house as James stood over Rose pounding at her face." Stop" cried Rose as he started to kick and pull. " You know I get angry when I see you talking to boys, so why did you do it, you stupid girl" shouted James. James walked out the house and drove off in his car. Struggling to get up, Rose found her feet. She looked at herself in the mirror. Wide bruises filled the left side of her cheek as she felt like she couldn't stand straight. She began talking to herself." 4 months of me being beaten and abused, no I can't take this shit anymore ". She plonked her big pink suitcase on the bed and started loading things into it. She started writing a note about all the things she thought about him and as she was about to finish a loud screech came from outside. she quickly looked outside the window. It was James walking calmly into the house. She looked around trying to find a hiding spot. She quickly ran into the wardrobe bringing her suitcase with her. A loud bang filled the house as James came stomping in. He shouted for Rose but no reply came." Where is that bitch" whispered James. She stuck her finger up with happiness towards him. It took him a while to find the note lying on the bed. He looked up after he read the letter. A loud roar filled the neighbourhood. Rose eyes were fixed on James throwing tables around. James finally calmed down but the place looked like a hurricane had just erupted inside the room. James ran out the house and raced of in his car. Rose crept out of the wardrobe and ran out the house. She took all of James money and left. She stepped into a taxi as it drived her to the airport. In a matter of time, Rose was on a airport to the big country AMERICA!

Chapter 2

She walked quietly holding onto her phone as she gave her ticket to the women."Are you okay darling" asked the women politely. She looked up and nodded as her whole body was shaking. She sat in her seat and looked out the window. she thought to herself, finally I am safe. The airplane landed and everyone rushed off. She huddled of with her arms and legs kept tightly. She didn't know where to start what to do but she knew that anywhere was better than going back to that vile creature. She walked to the toilet and wiped the black mascara that was running down his skin. She looked at her Black eye remembering the thought and the pain. She started crying as every tear hurt her black eye and her sore lip. She walked out to get some fresh air and realised that this was a new beginning and a new life. She hailed a taxi." do you know any support groups I can go to please it an emergency". The taxi stopped off at this corner shop where it had a sign saying (Problems). She walked in and saw 20 eyes fixed at her." ah we have a new comer, come in come in sit down tell us everything. The women was a very pretty women with blue eyes, Blonde hair and a flowery dress that caught everyone attention with its bright colours. Rose sat down feeling very awkward." Hello my name is Jasmine and you are". Rose told her, her name as everyone around her did the same. Everyone told their stories and a lot were brutal but after she heard there story she was confident to tell hers." Hi my name is Rose and I was Abused by my husband. We got married about 4 months ago and after the wedding he didn't clean his plates so when I told him to clean his plate he lashed out and hit me over the head with one of the pans. After that it just constantly happened, it was just yesterday were he was beating me so hard that I didn't even try to fight back I thought it was the end. He left the house for a few minutes and I packed my suitcase and left so this is my first day in America and hopefully one of use can show me around". Rose sat down wiping the tears of her eyes as she looked up and saw everyone else smiling almost as they knew exactly how she was feeling. Rose had felt something she had never felt in a few years, She felt welcomed and loved. After The meeting Jasmine offered to help Rose. They both walked down 5th avenue as they held a large coffee in their hands." I was so touched by your story, I just had to get to know you, hey since you haven't got a place to stay maybe you can come over to mine and we can go get something to eat. Rose nodded and followed Jasmine along to her house. They entered the house and Rose already felt at home." Josh are you home" screamed Jasmine. A tiny voice replied and stumbled out into the hallway." Hey Josh this is Rose and she going to be living here for awhile" hummed Jasmine. Josh wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, And his eyes were deep and sky blue, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green .This close, I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome. Rose couldn't keep her eyes of him but she had to follow Jasmine upstairs. Jasmine and Rose talked all night and ended it with a film. Josh walked in and joined. Suddenly Rose felt a lot more better. Josh cuddled in with Rose as they all laid down and watched the movie. The next Morning Rose was upset to see that Josh was gone but she was too tired to care. Jasmine and Rose sat down and had their breakfast as they started talking about Jobs. Jasmine explained how She is not just a councillor, she also work with models." You're in Luck cause the Manger has been looking to find someone who will join and he will like you I just know it. They walked into this Building with never-ending Floors, she was even more shocked when she saw the elevator floor buttons. They reached the 46 floor where she saw a line full of beautiful Women all dressed up in what looked like designer clothes. They walked in to meet the manger and there was no one there. Jasmine turned around and laughed "I am the Manger, and I dont want you to work with the models, I want you to be one. Rose mouth stayed open till the last floor where she hugged Jasmine and screamed with excitement." So when do I start" asked Rose. Jasmine replied " Well it's the perfect day cause Coco-Channel have realised their new brand and they have asked us to advertise it". They both screamed with excitement and went back home. Rose thought to herself. THIS IS MY NEW LIFE.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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