Chapter One: Early Memories.

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BloodTitan's earliest memory was of himself. Lying, cold, alone on the ground. Soaked in his mother's blood. "Mom." He pitifully called out, though there was no reply. "Mom, get up! Stop these tyrannic beasts!" Still no answer. He, being only 6 at the time, picked up his mother's blade, forged of iron. "St-stop, please! We meant you no harm! You've done enough." But still the orcs advanced on him. He was trapped, like a griffin in a hail of arrows, he had no where to go. Fearing for the lives of his two younger brothers, he swung the blade directing it at one of the orcs. Barely lifting a finger, the orc deflected his strike. He let the tip of the blade sink to the dirt. "Please, don't do this." But still the orcs persisted.

His next memory was in a jail car, packed in there, his two baby brothers in his arms. There was an older bloodelf in the corner, he looked at him. "They gotcha huh?" He spoke in a gruff voice.

"They killed my mother" BloodTitan said with emptiness in his heart.

"What of your father?"

"He was slain by bandits when I was a baby." He said with tears beginning to form in his eyes. "Where are they taking us?"

"Under my watch, no where."

"What do you mean?"

"Just stick close and follow my lead."

"Very well, I will attempt."

"Good." They sat there in silence for a very long time. BloodTitan was surprised when the man didn't flinch at the sound of the orcish screams emanating from outside the carriage. The door slammed open and BloodTitan was forced to squint to see. Standing upon him was two bloodelves armed with leather armor and iron swords. "Hey boys, good to see you didn't forget about me." The man said to the others.

"Come on DreadSon, you really think we would forget about you?" One of the men responded.

"Wouldn't have been the first time." DreadSon countered.

"We, uh, didn't, uh, forget you. We were simply, uh, scouting out to, uhm, do strategic stuff."

"Mhm, sure, that's why I had to fight my way out of that village alone?"

"Exactly, and you wouldn't have shown your strength to the orcs if we hadn't been, uh, scouting."

"Whatever NightRaze, just cut these bindings. On the kid too."

With the bindings cut, BloodTitan was taken to a camp of bloodelves, numbering in the 80's. "So buddy, welcome to our merry band. We call ourselves the Wolfguard." DreadSon said to BloodTitan.

"I've never seen so many bloodelves in one place before" BloodTitan said in awe.

"They aren't just bloodelves anymore my friend, now they are your brothers. We will protect you with our lives and we expect you to do the same. That is of course, when you learn how to wield a blade."

"Will you teach me?" BloodTitan asked excitedly.

"Yes, but right now, you must rest."

"What about my brothers?"

"They will be safe. I give my word, now get some rest."

"Yes sir."

BloodTitan was woken in the middle of the night by screaming and yelling. He was tediously picked up by arms not yet known to him. He slowly rubbed his eyes and looked up seeing DreadSon carrying him in his arms. "What's going on?" BloodTitan asked in a panicked tone.

 "Orcs. They found our camp and have attacked." DreadSon got out between breaths.

"What about everyone else?"

"They will fight valiantly, however I fear none will survive."

"Then why are we being cowards? Why are we turning our backs on our brothers?"

"We aren't, NightRaze ordered me to save you. He feels as though there is something special about you."

"So they are all dying, to save me?"

"Yes, by their own decision."

"But they don't know me. Why would they sacrifice themselves if they only met me yesterday."

"I'm not sure, but NightRaze doesn't do things unless he has a good reason." BloodTitan wasn't sure how to respond, so he didn't. He just allowed DreadSon to carry him away from the death, from the screaming, from the tragedy. It felt like eternity that they ran, it was straight through the night and well into the morning before they finally took a break.

"Teach me to fight." He said when they had finally stopped.

"I will."

"No, I mean now, I'm no use without a weapon in my hand."

DreadSon let out an annoyed sigh. "Very well. Arm yourself."

A/N: Well.... I had intended for this chapter to be closer to one thousand words, but I need some time to think on how the story should be continued. However I only need to fill a few years. When BloodTitan becomes 13 (bloodelf years) this story will be published nonstop

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