The Reaping

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"Get in here!" Mother said from her bedroom. I knew to never disobey mother or father, so I went and stood in her doorway. "Yes ma'am?" I said, and by her posture, I could tell she was about to say something strict. "Your great grandmother Mags was such a disappointment to our family! She died, unlike Finnick Odair! He was the great victor from district 4! Everyone loved him," Mother said with a pointed look at me. "Now," She continued, "You  are going to win to make this family proud of you. If you don't win, remember, you are a disappointment to this family also!" Mother finished. "But, Mother, what if I'm not called in the reaping?" I asked, dreading her answer. "You volunteer." She said simply, and that was my way to know I was dismissed to goto the reaping.

I dragged my two brothers to the reaping. They were twins and had just turned 12, old enough now to be called. One was named John and the other George. They did everything together and today wore matching sharp grey suits. I tugged at George's hand who was holding onto John. When we finally reached town square where blue-haired Johanna Coolie was waiting, I sent my brothers off to the 12 year old boy section, then went to stand with the 14 year olds.
As soon as Johanna gave us the beginning speech, she said, "Ladies first." Then, she reached into the girls bowl. My name was in there 14 times, because I needed to take care of my brothers.
"Cogna Remeres." She called out. A short, plump girl started screaming as she was dragged to the stage. I glanced at mom. She was pointing me over to the stage. I ran out of line and yelled, "I VOLUNTEER! I volunteer as tribute!" Cogna stopped crying and looked over at me with tears in her eyes still. "Are you Cogna's sissy?" Johanna asked.

"No." I mumbled, my head low, as O shuffled to the stage. "My name is Rosemary Cohen." I said quietly.

"Oh! Did I hear you say Cohen? As in Mags Cohen?" Johanna looked astounded.
"Yes ma'am." I answered.
"Well Rosemary, get up here on stage!" Johanna said with a fake-looking smile in my direction. "Okay now for the boys. Hmm...," Her hands plucked a folded slip of paper off the top of the boys bowl.

"Magnus Reggy." She said, looking around. As Magnus dragged his feet to the stage, someone leaped out of the crowd shouting, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I VOLUNTEER!!" I couldn't see who it was, because the sun was shining brightly in my eyes.

As he made his way up to the stage, Johanna whispered, "Could it be? Two volunteers of the same blood? Preposterous!"

Then, I realized who had volunteered: One of my brothers. He stepped up onto the stage and I saw it was John.

"John! No!" I yelled at him. He was only 12 years of age! He was going to die in the Hunger Games!

Then, it hit me! Mom made him do it! She made him volunteer! I glared at my mother through the tears in my eyes. When she caught my gaze, she looked away.

"Here you have the two tributes from district 4! Give them a round of applause!" I could barley make out Johanna's words as I blacked out...

I awoke in a white room. Mom was sitting on a couch in the corner. I was lying on an identical one. "Mom?" My voice sounded funny, like I had been screaming. Then, I realized I was in the Capitol Building visiting room. For the tributes. So that wasn't just a bad dream.

Mom had made us volunteer! I hated her! "Hi honey! I am so proud of what you did up there, but a bit embarrassed by your actions. It was strange that John volunteered also." Mom said with a goofy lopsided grin.

"Don't you talk to me! I know you set us up! I just know it! You told him to volunteer as well as me! I hate you! Get out! GET OUT!!!!" I screeched at my mom.

"Hear me out, sweetie! I am so disappointed in your other brother, George, didn't volunteer first. He will be getting a beating back home." Mom said, a faraway look in her eyes, like she was imagining his beatings.

"DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM, OR I SWEAR TO YOU, I WILL KILL YOU!!" I screamed. She took that as her signal to leave.

Dad came in next. I still had tears in my eyes from my talk with mom. "I am proud of you for volunteering for that poor little girl, but John? Why in the world would he volunteer?! I went and saw him first. Mom is with him now. I love you, sweet pea." Dad said quickly.

I ran into his arms and cried into his crisp brown suit. "Hey, I brought you a present," He said, trying to calm me down, "Here is a hook that your great-grandma Mags used in her Hunger Games!" Daddy finished, pulling a blue hook speckled with dried blood out from behind his back and placing it in my hands. "Use it as your token, alright. It will let me know you still love me. Also, if you ever need me, flutter your eyelashes twice, and I'll know you are thinking of me. Alright?" Daddy said, a serious look on his face. "Yes Daddy. I love you!" I called after him as he was dragged away by Peacekeepers.

After he left, another set of Peacekeepers came in and dragged me out to the train station. John was in front of me.

As soon as we were on the train, Johanna came to greet us. "Hi, my stars! You look to be in tippity- top shape! Well, you can now meet your trainer, Loma!" She said warmly. A lady then stepped out from behind her, covered in tattoos. She was barley wearing any clothes, only a tiny bikini. I reached over and covered John's eyes. He shoved my hand away and stared at Loma.

I had to admit, she was beautiful. Brown wavy hair, sea blue eyes, a curvy body, and the skin we could see was tanned.

Loma came over and put her arm on John's shoulder. "Hi handsome." Her voice was like honey. John looked like he was melting. "Hi! I'm John Cohen, Mags Cohen's great grandson!" John said enthusiastically. "Oh, Mags! I liked that woman! She practically raised me!" Loma said to John.

"Yes! Well, it's time for you two to eat something for dinner! We are having soup with pork and wine!" Johanna said.

"Wine? You do know John is only 12, right?" I asked her. After all, John was far too young to have wine.

"Ah, yes, but he will have to grow up and drink it! If you are so immature as to not let your brother make his own decision, maybe you should take your dinner in your room young lady!" Johanna said.

"Well, maybe I will!" I yelled.
"Then, let me show you to your room!" Johanna whispered coldly.

I had a feeling John was going to be the favorite. Which was fine with me. I would do anything for him, even die.

As soon as I was in my room, a maid came in and dropped off my food. I thanked her and ate silently, not touching the wine, but did order some water to wash down the great food.

I was exhausted, so I grabbed a pair of pajamas from the dresser and climbed into bed. I was thinking about death as I slowly drifted off.

The Hunger Games (3 years after the Quarter Quell) Where stories live. Discover now