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Aug. 29, 1945

I remember, what it was like before the war began. I remember how my sister Molly, only 6 years of age, would run around the garden and play in the dirt. She'd say she was baking mud pies for the forest creatures, sometimes, she'd convince mother to help her.

I remember the days where my farther would come home from his work at sea, and would always greet me and my sister with a tight embrace and my mother with a gentle kiss to the bump on her stomach.

I remember the day my baby brother was born into the world, I remember how everyone was so excited about the new child. Everybody was there, even farther. It was a perfect day as any other.

I remember, how even at the most perfect and pleasant times, that the world could still be cruel.

The war began, I was 14 year old at the time. Farther was sent away to join the armed forces, and little did I know that I would be next.

I remember, the day we received the telegram. Farther was killed in action, and I felt like a part of me was killed there and then. Being 17, I was young and stupid. Instead of being there to comfort my mother, I joined the forces. Maybe it was the anger or the feeling I had to somehow avenge my farther. But to this day I will never know why I signed up to be a soldier.

But here I am, glad I did. For if it wasn't for my stupid acts, I would never have met him.

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