The New Arrivals

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ONE DIRECTION FAN FICTION- in the book One Direction are not famous and are siblings. Personalities of characters are not based on real life actions. Some chapters are a little "dirty" but feel free to skip them



"Christi, Jake's here. Again." Billie whined from downstairs. I crawled off my bed and skipped down the stairs, greeting Jake at the front door.

"Hey beautiful!" He smiled before kissing my forehead. Inviting himself inside.

"Come in Jake." Billie said sarcastically. She had never liked Jake, I mean I can see why, he's a bit of a player but I can see past it all.

I lead him upstairs, landing back on my bed just like before. "So what do you want Jake?" I asked, returning to my laptop.

"You." He whispered seductively, before leaning in and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he laid me down on my back and straddled me. He let out a moan as I could feel his bulge growing.

"Sorry to break up the love fest but HE is not staying. You got thirty minutes dickhead." Billie growled, popping her head round the door before leaving.

"You heard, 30 minutes. Plenty of time for this." He laughed before returning to the kiss. I pulled at the ends of his shirt and swiftly removed it. He ran his hand down the length of my body and slipped it up my shirt. After a few minutes I pushed him off.

"Jake get off, not now okay?" I giggled. He simply smiled, kissing my nose before returning to our previous positions.

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8 then?" He asked.

Shit, school I do not have time for this!

"I guess, don't expect me to be happy." I grumbled.

"You have to be, it's your birthday remember? And I have a special present for you." He said winking.

'Not a fucking chance!' I thought to myself. I was not having sex with this boy, not for a long time.

"Well I can't tomorrow. We have an... Arrangement." I said thinking if an excuse.

"Fine but you better stop at my house after school. See you in the morning babe." He smiled before kissing me and leaving.

I heard the front door slam and Billie climb the stairs.

"What do you see in him?" She whined. I know she's my older sister but seriously, how childish?

"Dunno. I don't know why I'm with him really, he just wants to have sex." I mumbled.

"Just go to sleep, fix his shit head in the morning." She laughed before throwing a pillow at me and leaving.

I climbed in the shower and washed my long blonde hair. I never used to be blonde but after mum left, and dad joined the army. I felt like a change. My brown roots remained, but I didn't care. I got out the shower and dressed in my shorts and a plain crop top. Considering we lived in Britain. It was hot this week. I sat in font of mirror, brushing my hair. It takes me like 20 minutes because its so long. It goes just past my bum. I pulled it into a messy pony tail and crawled into bed, setting my alarm and falling asleep.

• • • •

My alarm went of, disturbing my peace full dream. I rolled out of bed and got straight to it. I re-brushed my hair, clipping the sides up at the back with a pale blue bow. I walked to my closet, picking out a beige skater skirt and a black t-shirt with turned up sleeves. I got clean underwear and pulled it on, wiggling into my clothes. I put on my grey knee socks and my light brown biker boots with my matching belt. I grabbed my bag, ramming my purse, mobile, books, car keys and house keys inside and a tonne of pens. I hopped downstairs with just enough time to grab a glass of orange juice. I looked into the back yard, I swore someone was looking at me but no one was there. I shouted "bye" to Billie who was probably still sleeping and crawled into my car. Before pulling out I text Jake telling him not to fetch me.

I drove to Eleanor's house, honking my horn outside and waited for her and Sammy to get in. Sammy was Eleanor's, hotter, older brother. I gave them a ride, listening to them moan again.

"You're a boy Sammy, how much fucking hairspray you need?" She snapped.

"Oh, well your just a girl, do you have to continually bang Henry next door to me when I'm trying to sleep? Then shut it!" He teased.

"Sammy, play nice, El, breath now get out my car!"I giggled.

I made my way to form, avoiding Jake and his disciples. Sammy following.we walked in quiet, laughing at all the little year sevens acting tough or getting scared.

Considering it was a Monday, the morning went okay. I walked into my science class and groaned at the though of having Mr Brown again. He was in the middle of attendance when two boys waltzed in.

"Sorry sir, we got lost. I'm Louis and this is Harry." The shorter one, clearly Louis said. Harry just nodded, keeping eye contact with the floor.

"Well just take a seat by Miss Carter over there boys." He said, pointing at me. I looked up to get a better judgement of the was starstruck.

Harry had bright green eyes, with brown curly hair that bounced as he walked. Louis was different however. He had grey eyes, brown hair that was straight and brushed to one side.

They each took a seat next to me, Harry on the left, Louis on the right. El gave me a wink. Knowing what I was thinking.

"Hey, I'm Christi." I smiled offering them a hand. Which try accepted. Class went by and they were actually decent lads. Harry was more the quiet flirty one and Louis was the joker, hyper one.

"El, Harry and Louis are gonna sit with us at lunch? Okay?" I asked.

"Erm... Sure!" She smiled, I could tell just by her face she liked Louis. Poor El. I stopped at my locker, shoving my books inside, re-glossing my lips when I heard a strange noise coming from the cleaners office.

I slowly walked to the door and opened it slightly. My jaw dropped at the scene before me. Jake was with another girl. Libby my best friend. With my boyfriend. Together?

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