Real Thing

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When Jiyeon pranks Myungsoo...

Myungsoo and Jiyeon were married for a year already and now they will be having a baby. Jiyeon is 9 months and her due date is nearing already. Both of them are excited and nervous for the coming of their little angle. One day, both of them were just staying at home just watching TV shows until Jiyeon decided to prank her husband.

She stand up from the couch to go to the kitchen.
Myungsoo: "Where are you going? You can just stay here and I can get it for you. What do you need?"
Jiyeon: "I'm okay, just stay here and watch the show. I'll just go to bathroom."
Myungsoo: "Alright, be careful."
She nodded and smiled. When she turned her back at Myungsoo she smirked at her idea and whispered to herself.
Jiyeon: "Oh yeobo, I can't wait for you reaction to this... let's see how ready you are~"
Instead of going to the bathroom just like what she said, she went to the kitchen and get a glass of water. She poured the glass of water down her dress and then screamed for husband. Myungsoo immediately got up from the couch and hurriedly went to his wife. Jiyeon pretended that she's in pain and that her water bag just broke.
Myungsoo: "Jiyeon-ah! What happened? What's wrong? Are you okay? Oh shit! Did your water bag just broke? Damn! Is the baby coming out already? Are you gonna be in labor? Oh God! Where's the bag? Where's my car keys? Just wait for me, I'll be right back...don't panic! Just breathe normally okay?"
He panicked and rushed to find the bag and car keys. While Jiyeon was already laughing so hard.
Myungsoo: "I found the bag and the car keys, let's go!"
But then, he saw his wife laughing and he had a confused face.
Myungsoo: "Yah! What's so funny? Why are you laughing?"
Jiyeon: "I was just pranking you hahaha! You're so funny, at least you're now ready after all. You are panicking yet you're telling me not to panic haha!"
Myungsoo: "Yah Jiyeon! It's not funny! You can't joke something like that, don't you know how worried I am?"
He threw the bag and car keys on the couch and ruffled his hair. Jiyeon felt guilty and hugged Myungsoo.
Jiyeon: "I'm sorry! I was just bored so I decided to throw a prank on you and I actually wanna know how ready you are..."
Myungsoo: "Well I am ready! It's just that panic got over me that's why..."
Jiyeon: "Alright, I know you're ready...forgive me now okay?"
Myungsoo: "Okay, I forgive you. You can just tell me that you're bored. Don't ever prank me something like that, you scared me..."
She smiled and kiss him. He kissed her back and hugged her.

After the pranking session, they managed to get theirselves back to the couch. They enjoyed watching some TV shows again. After 2-3 shows, Jiyeon felt a little pain on her stomach so she caressed her stomach and the pain went away. After 5 minutes, she felt another pain and that time the pain was a little bit stronger so she groaned a little bit. Her alert husband immediately asked if she's okay, she nodded and the pain went away. After another 5 minutes, she felt another pain and it is stronger now. She held tight on her stomach and screamed in pain.
Myungsoo: "Yah! What's wrong?"
Jiyeon didn't answer and a tear fell down her cheeks.
Myungsoo: "Yah Jiyeon! I know you're a good actress, you can't fool me twice... once is enough~"
Jiyeon: "Aahhh... damn it Kim Myungsoo! It's the real thing!"
Myungsoo: "What? Real thing?! You're not kidding me aren't you?"
Jiyeon: "Myungsoo, aahhh... can't you distinguish a real thing and a prank? damn it! it hurts so bad! aahhh..."
Myungsoo: "Oh sorry! Wait, where's the car keys? Damn it! Now that I need it for real and it's now loss..."
He ruffled his hair while searching.
Jiyeon: "Kim Myungsoo! Hurry! Aahhh... my water bag just broke! Hurry up! Just get the other car keys!"
Myungsoo: "I found it!"
He then immediately ran to the car and Jiyeon shouted.
Jiyeon: "Yah!"
He immediate went back and get the bag then ran fast towards the door but was stopped when Jiyeon shouted again.
Jiyeon: "Yah Kim Myungsoo!"
She pointed at herself and Myungsoo scratched the back of his head.
Myungsoo: "I'm so stupid! Sorry!"
He carefully escorted Jiyeon to the car and he hurriedly went to the driver's seat. He tried to insert the car key to the keyhole but he can't insert it properly because he was too nervous.
Jiyeon: "Yah! Myungsoo! Come to your senses! If you keep on panicking, we will not be able to go the hospital!"
Myungsoo: "Aish! Kim Myungsoo come on!"
He slapped himself and took a deep breath. He then successfully inserted the car key to the keyhole and started the engine. He drove as fast and careful as possible.
Myungsoo: "Jiyeon, sorry. I was being too nervous a while ago... okay, take a deep breath...just relax, we'll get there soon."
Jiyeon: "Faster! I can't take it anymore, it's so damn painful...the baby is coming out already!"
Myungsoo: "You can do it Jiyeon...just follow me okay? Inhale... Exhale..."
Jiyeon followed Myungsoo and she was calmed down for a bit.

Soon they reached the hospital. The nurses immediately attended to Jiyeon and rushed her to the delivery room. Myungsoo anxiously waited outsided, he was walking back and forth and biting his his fingernails, sometimes ruffling his hair. After an hour, the doctor went outside the delivery room. Myungsoo immediately asked the doctor.
Myungsoo: "How's Jiyeon? "How's my wife? "How about our baby?"
Doctor: "Don't worry Mr. Kim. Your wife and baby are both safe. You may see them later. Congratulation Mr. Kim!"
The doctor patted his shoulders and smiled.
Myungsoo: "Thank God! Thank you doctor! Thank you so much!"
He grabbed the doctors hand for a shake and he bowed to the doctor.
Doctor: "No problem Mr. Kim, it's my job after all. I'll go ahead now. Congratulations again!"
The doctor bowed and left him. Myungsoo smiled once again thank God for his wife's safe delivery and for a healthy baby boy. The nurses brought Jiyeon on the private ward and their baby boy to nursery room.
Nurse: "Mr. Kim, you may now see both your wife and your son. Who do you want to see first?"
Myungsoo: "Can I not see them both? Just kidding, I'll see my wife first... We'll look at our baby together."

He then entered Jiyeon's private ward.
Myungsoo: "Thank you Jiyeon for delivering our baby safe... wake up now, let's see our son together~"
He grabbed her hands and interlocked it with his.
Myungsoo: "I love you so much! I'm such a lucky guy to have you as my wife, I'm so happy for giving me a healthy son."
He kissed her forehead and smiled. Jiyeon then lazily opened her eyes and saw Myungsoo smiling at her.
Jiyeon: "Myungie, where's our baby? how's our baby?"
Myungsoo: "Relax Jiyeonnie, our baby boy is healthy and he is now at the nursery. Do you-"
He was cut off by the excited new mother.
Jiyeon: "I wanna see him!"
Myungsoo: "I was supposed to ask you that..."
He laughed and Jiyeon smiled.
Jiyeon: "Hurry~ I wanna see him already!"
Myungsoo: "Okay, I wanna see him too already... I haven't see him since I told the nurse that we'll see him together."
He asked for the nurses help to bring Jiyeon on the wheelchair. Myungsoo push the wheelchair towards the nursery. The nurse carry their son and brought it near the window so that his parents could see him clearly.
Jiyeon: "Oh gosh~ he's so cute!"
Myungsoo smiled and nodded in argee.
Jiyeon: "I wanna hold him! Can I carry him?"
Myungsoo asked the nurse and the nurse went to Jiyeon and passed the baby to her.
Jiyeon: "Aigoo~ our baby is such cutie Myungie!"
Myungsoo: "You're right, our son is so cute like his dad!"
Jiyeon: "Yah! Like her mom too! Why only you?"
She pouted and he giggled then he put his finger on his baby's chubby cheeks.
Myungsoo: "What shall we name him?"
Jiyeon: "Jisoo... Kim Jisoo."
Myungsoo: "Woah~ sound great! Alright, hello Kim Jisoo!"
He put his finger on his baby's tiny hand. Jisoo smiled with his eyes closed. Myungsoo and Jiyeon both saw their son's first smile and both of them too smiled at their baby.
Myungsoo: "Looks like he likes name huh?"
Jiyeon: "Of course~ hello baby Jisoo!
She kissed her son's forehead and baby Jisoo smiled again. Myungsoo also kissed his forehead and also Jiyeon's forehead.
Myungsoo: "I love you baby Jisoo, I love you also Jiyeonnie"
Jiyeon: "I love you too Myungie and also baby Jisoo."
They boh called their parents and family to share the great news and all of them congratulated the new parents.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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