chapter 6

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Brandon p.o.v
Tonight is the night I show everyone how much my ADHD cancelled out my anxiety and I know I'm going to have a panic attack but I'm just going to freak my self out more so It is going to be worse and they will take me of of the meds.

It is 2 hours until show time and we are in our dressing room I am planning to do it 1 hour before so if it does get out of hand we have time so we are not late on stage I am not risking our show just for the same of getting of something that I do admit helps me but that doesn't matter we are all in our blazers

It is time to start to freak myself out I can feel myself getting more nervous now I just have to add to it I started to think out bout what if I got nocked out again or if something had happened to the stage and I fall in front of everyone and that seemed to do that trick before I knew I was having shortened breath and I started to shake and Zack was calling for the first aid even though he couldn't do anything

Zack p.o.v

I noticed Brendon got quiet but that is normal for him he always goes quiet before a show it's his anxiety working against him but this time it was different Dallon was the one who noticed it first he came to me a whispered
Dallon- hey do you think Brendon is alright he looks like he is about to have a panic attack
Zack- I actually don't know I go talk to him

Zack-hey bren are you ok
Brandon couldn't reply he could barely breath
Zack- hey it's ok just calm down I get the first aider just try and focus on your breathing

Brendon p.o.v
And that's where we are now, having a full out panic attack with the medics are trying to calm me down which won't happen I have managed freaked my self out too much even more than I meant to and it has been 10 minutes and I think someone had gone to get an oxygen tank

Dallon p.o.v
I noticed Brendon was having a panic attack so I told Zack and he went to help him but it was worse than we thought and 1o minutes later some medic with an oxygen tank came and laid Brendon down and put It on his face it was actually quite weird seeing him like that but then I remembered the reason he never had this was because of his ADHD overpowers it which was why this was happening the pills were stopping it from working
Brandon p.o.v
I was laid down on the sofa with an oxygen mask on my face trying to get my breathing back down and in 2o minutes we still had to we go on stage. I had just been able to breathe without the tank on I  and I hadn't  tried talking let alone singing but I knew it would be fine I always manage to pull through

Just before the stage
I had managed to do vocal warm up again and I could sing and I was just about to go on I could see Zack and the medics are watching me like a hawk but I'm fine

On stage
I got on stage and the adrenalin kicked in and I had a was on the show it was fine but the medics were still watching me and I had to prepare for that talk tonight and I hope we have it over some beer

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