Oppisite attract ( jack forst love story )

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I guess it is true opposite do attract!

Jack POV

I was sitting along the edge of the pond where I first became Jack Frost. It was christmas time, and As normal I was freezing everything in sight, I did get boring after a while but oh we'll what can I do. I mean sure I am a guardian and all but durning Christmas season i get bored and no one can hangout with me. and no kids can see me so whatever; and plus I don't want to be in Norths way ( and if u didn't know north is Santa clause). He always tense around this time of year.

I would go mess around with kangaroo ; but he throw a fit and tell on north about me. "Man what a grumpy kangaroo." I said to myself

Or I will go see on how tooth is doing but she busy too. She collecting teeth for after Christmas. She saids that after the kids eat candy they lose a lot of teeth.' like I care I don't collect them'.

"Man I am so bored!!" I screamed to the sky.

"If your so bored go play with the children even if they can't see you, you can still play and shows them How to have fun." A mysterious voice said behind me.

I quickly turn around and stand up to come face to face with a girl. It was really hot around her ,and i didn't known why but oh well. plus She is cute I had to admit. She has red hair and white tips on the bottom, her hair reach all the way to the to the her waist. And, she has ocean blue eyes with red halo ring around it. She even was as pale as me, and was wearing a blue jeans short, and a red hoody. Like me but in red and shorts.

We stare into each other eye for what seem like forever. But then she snapped out of it as she soon realized what she was doing. And I swear I could see a small but notice able blush, creeping up on her face.

Then she spoke out again and her voice was like angles singing.
- wow, did I really just say that!! What the hell is happening to me.-

"Um..... Hi. I'm jewel flame"she's adds and blushes. Huh, the name suits her. And it a really pretty names. I could just say it all day. - what am I saying I'm the bad boy, not the lovely dovey boy!!-

"That's a cute name, for. Cute girl" I told her and I saw he blush darken. Man this girl is adorable!!! She just so cute. - I'm loosening it with this lover boy stuff, is she doing this to me??!!?-

"Thanks". She said. She smiled lightly at me and frown for some reason. And, when she did that I made me want to cheer her up to see that courageous smile of hers!!! - she is doing this to me.... Wait those that mean in loved or something and that's not possible right???-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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Oppisite attract ( jack forst love story )Where stories live. Discover now