What next?

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The stares from passing civilians were absolutely priceless. There wasn't a moment when we weren't laughing at people glaring at us. At one point, there was a Starbucks that we saw on our way back. Craig stared at it and stopped. He was mesmerized by its beauty.

"Hey, you wanna go get Starbucks?" Craig asked me not taking his eyes off of the magical place.

"Of course!" I may have squealed a bit. Our love of Starbucks ended up getting the best of us. We both got cotton candy frappuccinos. The pink from the drink resembled the pink in my cheeks because of the fact that Craig refused to let me down from his back while we were in the store. Even while we were waiting, Craig still held me on his back. Once they finally called the name that we put down, (make up a ship name for you and Craig), we grabbed our drinks and then casually walked out, leaving behind the chuckling baristas behind the counter and the gawking hipsters with their iPhones sitting in the lounge area wishing they could be as original as us.

Then, before we knew it, we were back at Craig's place.

"So, what now?" I asked, finally hopping off of Craig's back while casually sipping my cotton candy frappuccino. 

"Now, we do what you want to do." Craig put so much pressure on me by just saying those few words. I didn't know what I wanted to do. Then, a thought came into my mind from a video that Craig did a while ago with Pewdiepie. I remember watching it wishing I could have friends to do it with. Well, now I have a friend to do it with, and he is offering to let me choose what to do next.

"We should do that yoga thing that you did with Felix that one time!" I said out of nowhere, slightly startling Craig.

"You really want to do that?" Craig asked. I nodded viciously. "The last time I did that I almost died."

"Oh, come on Craigy baby. Don't be such a baby." I said in a pouty voice with my bottom lip jutted out as if trying to make the best puppy dog face in existence. Craig blushed a bit and scratched the back of his neck, trying to think. He was so cute when he was thinking.

"Alright fine." He said finally. I started squealing with excitement and clapping my hands together like a high school cheerleader.  "But nothing too extreme." I gave him an 'I know' glare and continued celebrating.

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