Orphanage Bomb

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Another day at Gotham Orphanage. I've been here almost all my life. I
heard that some billionaire is going to donate a million dollars to this place. Whoever they are, they shouldn't waste their time and well-earned money on kids like me. I never knew my parents, I don't even know if they're alive.

"Children! Come down to the auditorium! Bruce Wayne is here!" That was the Orphanage director, she's nice. I head down to the orphanage auditorium and sit down in my seat and wait. Here he is! I see the director is yelling at him for being late. He walked up to the stage and started speaking. His black and white, fancy tuxedo just added to his rich looking features.

"Hello. I am Bruce Wayne of Wayne Indestries. today I will be donating one million dollars to this orphanage to help these poor children find loving families. I-" He looked at me. He barely squinted his eyes, almost glaring. Why is he staring at me? Now that I look at him, he looks like me. Black hair, blue eyes, his look in general. Why does he look like me? He finishes his speach and then the after party begins. I immediately walk over to an empty table and then do whatever. Bruce Wayne walks over to me.

"Hi. I'm Bruce Wayne. What's your name?"

"I don't have a name, yet"

"Oh. What are you doing over here?"

"Hey, you know, you seem familiar. Have we met before?"

"No, at least, not that I know of"

"Ok. Oh, excuse me, I need to use the little girls room". I walk into the girls bathroom. A big cardboard box was inside, my curiousity took over as a took a peek inside. There's a bomb. I run as quickly as possible outside the restroom to warn everyone.

"EVERYONE! RUN! THERE'S A-" The bomb explodes behind me. It throws me to a wall. The last thing I see before blacking out is people running out of the building, screaming for there lives. Then, I hear a voice.

"It's ok. I'm gonna get you out of here". Something picks me up, marrage style, still unable to move. The man lays me down little ways from the orphanage then runs back in. I pass out again from the sudden shock of, well, everything.

I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around the room, I don't see anyone. I hear voices outside the door.

"How is she?"

"She's fine. Just a couple broken bones. She'll be fine in about a week. Thanks again for paying for all her injuries"

"She tried to warn everyone in the building about the bomb, but she was too late. It's the least I can do for her heroic act". Heroic act? It wasn't that heroic. Anyone with a sane mind would probably do the same! I continue listening in.

"I need to check in on our patient. Be right back, mister Bruce". Bruce? Like, Bruce Wayne? Here he comes! Should I pretend I'm asleep? Yea, I'll just do that.

"Wake up, miss, wake up" I pretend to wake up.

"Huh? Where am I?" I ask, an unintentional trembling in my voice.

"You're in Wayne Hospital in Arkham. Do you remember your name?"

"Yea. I don't have a name. I told the orphanage director to not give one. I want my parents to name me, if I get any"

"Listen, miss, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you'll be fine in a week. The bad news, after the week is over, you'll have to be forced to live in the streets"

"What?! Why!?"

"The orphanage was destroyed, and we can't let you stay here forever. If we don't find anyone that wants, or can adopt you, you'll be forced to live on the streets".

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