The Beast

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 The dark night shielded it's body, hiding it from sight. The moon glistened off it's fur, shining in it's yellow eyes as they watched me, coming closer, prowling, crouched down and waiting.

It's wide eyes followed my movements as I took more steps back, pinning myself against the wall. I shifted my face away from it, closing my eyes in fear. My hands shook and trembled as I imagined the dangerous animal in front of me.

It took a step closer and I let out a frightened yelp. It tilted its head curiously as it came closer, and closer. It's short tail swished back and forth slowly, cautiously, as if were the dangerous animal. It's ears were bent over his head, but you could tell it still listened carefully.

The drool fell off the sides of it's mouth, falling to a puddle beneath it's furry paws in a long slimy line, surrounding it's yellowed canines. It's nose twitched back and forth, sniffing, smelling me, as if I were a meal served on a plate.

It stepped closer and closer. So close I could feel the tip of it's nose grazing my skin. My breath shook and I slid down the wall, trying to hide myself from the monster in front of me. It sat back on it's hind legs, watching me. I opened my eyes and looked at it, shivering from the cold wind.

It's tongue hung from its mouth, showing it's sharpened teeth. It's hot breath fanned my face, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. The animal suddenly jumped up, pushing the front of it's body down and it's rear up, wagging it's tail, and barked.

"Oh this is hilarious!" Johnny laughed as he recorded me.

"Come on man, this isn't funny!" I shouted, pressing myself against the wall.

"It's a damned pug! How are you so scared of it!" Tears sprung from his eyes as his laughter grew harder.

"It lives in an alley! It could have rabies!" I cried holding my hand to my chest, keeping my heart from pounding so hard. Johnny laughed holding up his phone.

"It's a goddamned pug!" I looked at the dog again.

It's wide eyes aimed at two different directions and its mouth spread wide in what most would see as a smile. But to me, it was a menace. Evil.

"Get it off me!" I shouted.

"All right, all right." Johnny said after he calmed down and picked up the dog as if it weighed nothing, as if it couldn't turn it's head and bite his arm off. "Fuck, Chris, this is pathetic." He said standing up and swiping at his phone.

I stood up and dusted my pants off, swiping with disgust at the drool stain and dust. I followed Johnny out of the alley. "This is going to get a lot of views on youtube." He said, rewatching the video.


"Oh, this is hilarious!"

"Come on man, this isn't funny!" I rolled my eyes at my voice echoing from the video.

"It's a legitimate fear you asshole!" I shouted, stealing the phone from his hand, carefully avoiding the dog still at his arm.

"Hey give it back!" He shouted reaching for it but I quickly pulled the phone out of reach. "Don't make me put the dog down." He threatened making me stop in my tracks and look at the dog. It widened its mouth and let it's tongue fall out, before a loud, echoing bark. I flinched making Johnny laugh as he swiped the phone back. I scowled as we walked out of the alley into the busy street.

"Are you seriously going to post that?" I asked grimacing at the idea. He chuckled as he put the dog down. It didn't move from it's spot, just watching us, watching me.

"It likes you." Johnny chuckled as the dog tilted its head at me. I scowled, ignoring it and walking away from the alley, Johnny, and the scariest night of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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