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This is a PWP SideBeatz story. It contains graphic sexual relations between two men. If you do not like this, please turn back now. YE HAVE BE WARNED!!!

If your hanging around to read, I hope you enjoy! 

This is a gift for my good friend Principessia


Side loved days like this. Days which ended with him, laying bare on his bed, Shadow hovering above him. The older man slowly and sensually stoking him to full hardness. His moans of pleasure were eaten up by Shadow's eager mouth, his sinful tongue dominating Side's in a battle Side did not even want to win.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes clenched shut as Shadow's hand worked his cock masterfully, his thumb brushing his weeping head with each upstroke. He was lost in a world of pleasure, urged on by the pure filth Shadow was spewing into his ear. He bucked up into the hand, searching for more, needing more.

Shadow smirked down at his younger lover, withdrawing his hand completely, earning him a wonderful whimper which was music to his ears. He leaned down to capture the bruise lips in another lust filled kiss before slowly making his way down the body laid before him.

He left a trail of bites along the pale flesh, kissing and sucking down Side's chest, his tongue flicking out to caress one of Side nipples, the younger man groaning at the touch. The pants and begs from his lover urged him on, trailing more kisses down his perfect stomach, following that happy trail. 

Shadow grinned as he looked up. Side was watching him with hooded eyes, his lips parted as he struggled for breath, the pleasure Shadow was administrating making it hard for him. Without breaking eye contact, Shadow lowered his head, his hands holding onto Side's hips as his mouth wrapped around the wet head of Side's cock.

Side's threw his head back, a long drawn out moan filling the once quiet apartment. He attempted to thrust up into the warmth surrounding him, but met resistance as Shadow help him down. His lips still wrapped around Side's rather impressive member, Shadow smirked, waiting for Side to say something.

"Please." Side whined, his own hands coming to rest on Shadow's head, his fingers running through his silky hair. Shadow loved to hear Side beg, it made his lust rise dramatically and made him have the need to suppress his own moan. Still watching, Shadow slowly took more of Side into his mouth, the bitter, salty taste of Side's pre-come overcoming his senses. He allowed one hand to wrap around the base as he began working Side's member, taking him deeper into his throat with each movement.

Shadow continued to bob his head, Side's cries of pleasure egging him on, the fingers in his hair pushing him deeper. His hand unwrapped itself from Side's shaft, moving down to caress his sack before stroking between Side's cheeks. He hear Side suck in a breath and the contact and he met his eyes once more, allowing the dick to fall from his mouth with a wet pop. He move to linger above his lover once again, smiling down at the panting man.

"I'm going to fuck you Albi. I am gonna make you moan so loud that the neighbors will know my name." He purred, enjoying the way Side's eyes rolled back into his head, a soft moan and plea leaving his kiss swollen lips. Moving quickly, Shadow grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom before applying a layer of the viscous liquid to his fingers. His hand moved back down between Side's parted legs, his fingers rubbing softly at the lightly furred hole.

Slowly, Shadow slid a digit into Sides awaiting opening, the tight muscle clenching around him. He bent down to capture Side's mouth in another passionate kiss, his tongue pushing its way back inside. As they traded kisses, Shadow continued to prepare his lover, his finger moving in and out slowly before adding another, then another until Side was a sobbing mess beneath him, begging for more.

"Please Shadow.. I need you.." He panted, his hips rocking back onto Shadow's fingers.

"What do you need Albi? Say it." Shadow said quietly, waiting for Side to say the two words he longed to hear. He watched his lover carefully as he tore open the condom with his teeth and rolling it on his own hardness. Not once did Shadow stop his other hand from moving.

"Fuck me Shadow....Please...Fuck me." That was all it took for Shadow to spring into action. Removing his fingers, and ignoring the whimper at the loss from Side, Shadow moved into position, the head of his cock brushing against Side's twitching opening. Carefully as to not hurt Side, Shadow slowly slid inside, hisses at the tightness wrapping around himself. 

Side's back arched off the bed as Shadow continued to fill him. He loved the feeling of being filled. this was not his first time. He still admired the way Shadow would allow him to adjust, staying perfectly still, waiting until Side gave him the go ahead to move, which normally came in the form of the younger man pushing back with his hips.

Shadow claimed Side's mouth once more as he slowly withdrew from the heat, leaving in the tip before thrusting back in. Side broke the kiss, moaning breathlessly into the night as Shadow worked at finding the perfect rhythm. He started off slow before picking up the pace, his thrust becoming more like a piston as he moved inside his lover. 

Moan after moan filled the room as their consummation continued, Shadow now hitting Side's prostate with every thrust. The younger man could feel the heat rising in the pit of his stomach and he knew it wouldn't be too long before he hit his climax. Wrapping a shaky hand around himself, Side worked his own cock in time with Shadow's thrusts, his moans becoming more frequent until he spilled himself all over his stomach, bucking up hard.

Shadow bit his lip hard as the feeling of Side tightening around him brought him closer to the edge. His hands found purchase on Side hips, his fingers digging in just shy of painful as his thrusts became erratic. He chased down his own orgasm, growling deep into his throat as he came. He carefully pulled out his blissed out lover, discarding the condom with no real care before collapsing onto the bed beside Side.

Side slowly opened his eyes, his breathing returning to normal as he turned to face his lover, who was watching him through tired, but happy eyes. He raised his hand to caress Shadow's face, smiling as Shadow scooted closer and wrapped his arms around him. He happily accepted the kiss Shadow gave, this one more of a slow, loving kind.

Pulling back, Side looked deep into the emerald eyes of his boyfriend, only seeing love and affection reflecting in them. He really was the luckiest man in the world.

"I love you Shadow." "I love you too Albi."


So this was a less 'mild' sex scene than I normally post on here, but after reading another fic of mine, my friend requested a crew related fic to the same standards.

I hope it wasn't too cringe worthy and that I did the whole scene justice. Again, if you didn't like what you read due to having a problem with M/M scenes, please don't Private Message me with complaints. You were warned twice. Also, I will just laugh.

Anyways, catch you next time!

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