Chapter One

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  I woke up in the middle of a group of boys, all peering down at me.

"What?" I asked, rubbing my tired eyes, "Where am I?"

"You, my dear, are in Neverland. A wonderful place, really, but nothing like the fairytales have people perceiving it as," a boy with chestnut brown hair and green eyes told me, gesturing around us welcomingly.

"Like Tinkerbell and Peter Pan?" I questioned him curiously, slightly tilting my head.

"Of course, darling. You're looking right at him," he chuckled happily.

My eyes went wide, "You're Peter Pan? That's amazing, but I really must be getting home, now." I spoke anxiously, being slightly flustered.

Peter Pan appeared in front of me, his eyes suddenly dark with an evil smirk plastered on his face, "And just where do you think you're going, love?"

"Home, my parents are probably worried sick about me, and I really need to return to them." I stuttered nervously, shuffling my feet once I'd gotten up.

"Okay, but first tell me one thing. Who are your parents? Where do you people live?" He slowly paced around me, his hands behind his back.

I opened my mouth to answer, but I couldn't think of their names, or the place. "I-I don't know..." I spluttered.

"Can't seem to remember, can you?" He asked me confidently, "Why would just need to get back to the parents you don't even remember, to a place you know absolutely nothing about?" He whispered in my ear.

"Boys! I need you to go back to your tents! Alice and I need to have a private conversation." He waved them off.

"Would you like to play a game?" He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, "Oh how I love a good game." He smirked into the crook of my neck.

"You hide, I seek," he pointed between us, "and if I find you, you have to stay here with me, but if you win," he tossed his hourglass in the air, then catching it, "I'll take you back home. So is it a deal?" He stood behind me, placing his rough hands on my hips.

He lightly dragged his pointer finger along my exposed hip bone, tracing the shape.

I jumped away. "Deal."

He tossed the hourglass in the air and it landed perfectly on the ground, flipping upside down. "Hide."

I ran off into the woods, soon realizing that would be the first place he would look, and turned my path when I saw a cave I could hide in.

  I stood, practically holding my breath. I didn't move an inch as I feared it might make a sound.

I hear him walk into the cave, not looking past the vines. I hold my breath so he won't find me. It seems to work, because he steps out right after.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, and just as I do so, I feel arms around my waist, and a soft whisper, "Boo."

I jumped away from his arms, and he started pacing around.

"You've done much better than all of my lost boys did their first time," he laughed, shaking his head, "you're smart. Although it would have done you better if you would have gone to the beach instead."

"But I still won, so you have to stay." He crossed his arms triumphantly.

"Why is it so important that I stay?" I asked him accusingly.

"Because I want you to stay, and Peter Pan never fails." Pan explained matter of factly.

I snorted, "You refer to yourself in third person?"

"Occasionally, I like to change it up a little. Is there a problem, love?"

"Don't call me love." I said, a look of disgust clear on my face.

"You'll eventually grow quite fond of my pet names for you." He put his finger under my chin, tilting my head up so that I'd look him at his hazel green eyes.

"You'll be sharing a tent with me, darling." He took my hand, and started leading me to his tent, but I stood firmly in place.

"No I won't." I stated, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Excuse me?" He raised one eyebrow attractively, looking at me as if I had sinned by defying his orders.

"I said I am not sleeping in a tent with a strange boy who I have never met until this day. Be happy I'm even staying on the island." I told him, staying headstrong.

"Oh darling, that's cute. You thought you had a choice." He smirked down at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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