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Then he walked back across the green, to where Will Solace was waiting.

'What'd you tell him?' Will enquired when Nico reached him.

Nico rolled his eyes a little.
'None of your business, Solace.'

'And I've been meaning to ask, what the hell is going on with that shirt you're wearing? I mean, Hawaiian print? No offense, but I didn't really pin you as the type to wear a Hawaiian print shirt...'

'Do you think I chose to wear this ridiculous monstrosity? It's the only shirt I have right now,' Nico complained, crossing his arms and trying not to feel self-conscious about the fact that he was currently wearing a torn up, obnoxiously bright and ugly shirt around Will Solace.

'Ah, we'll get you a new one while you're in the infirmary,' Will reassured, waving a hand dismissively. 'Actually, I'll need to give a physical examination because of those... claw marks, are they?'

'P-physical examination? Are you sure that's... completely necessary?''

'Well, unless you want your injuries to get infected and you die, then yes. And honestly, who stitched these? It certainly wasn't a doctor, was it?'

'It was Reyna, and we didn't have much time...' Nico was distracted; he didn't want to have to be examined by Will, of all people; Will was fit, and tan, and... well, he was good looking – Nico was thin, borderline skeletal, with milky white skin and eternally messy hair. Nico didn't even consider himself average, at best.

Ugh, stupid Will, with his big blue eyes and golden blonde hair... Nico mentally cursed.

'Well, I'll have to re-stitch them. Anyway, this way,' Will told Nico, leading him to a room. As the two walked past infirmary rooms, Nico saw endless amounts of people in them, some with obvious injuries and some with less obvious injuries.

When they got to a room, Will swung the door so that it was closed, but still open a crack.
'So, just take off your shirt and sit on the bed,' Will told Nico, going over to wash his hands at a basin.

Nico, although very reluctant, did as Will said, taking off the shirt and putting it next to him on the bed.

'Do you have any other injuries? Be honest,' Will ordered, pulling on some gloves and walking to the other side of the room to get a trolley and place some doctor-y looking stuff on it.

'No, there are some bruises, but that's it,' Nico mumbled, watching Will walk around the room. It was making him nervous, and he kind of wished Will would just get it all over with.

After asking some more questions, Will finally proceeded to do the physical examination. It wasn't as terrible as Nico had expected it to be, since Will had just looked at the injuries and gently prodded at some of them. He had Nico get onto a set of scales, which revealed that Nico was highly underweight for a fourteen year old male.

'Death Boy, do you even eat? Gods, we're going to have to do something about this,' Will said, tutting and muttering under his breath that it would be stupid if Nico died from malnutrition after a huge war with Gaia. 'Honestly.'

'Solace, I will end you – if you keep calling me Death Boy, I'll start calling you Sunshine.'

Will smiled to himself slightly - Sunshine was a cute nickname, not an irritating insult.
'Death Boy,' he teased, as he got to work on taking the stitches out of Nico's wounds. 'This might hurt a bit,' Will warned, cutting a thread.

'Shut up, Sunshine,' Nico said, wincing as Will gently removed the thread. After twenty minutes of meticulous work, and Nico swearing once or twice, Will had successfully gotten the stitches out. They started to seep blood immediately, but Will knew he had to clean them before he stitched them up.

Three Days In The Infirmary [Solangelo]Where stories live. Discover now