Her and Him

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There She was a girl,

a girl which no one understood.

A girl that wants nothing more than,
for someone to love her.

But He came to her life,
they went out,
did fun things together,
they we're happy.

But things didn't worked out,
Him and her broke up,
she fell into a deep depression.
No one cared about her,
no one asked how she was,
or is she even okay?

No one made her realise,
the importance of life.

She tried to kill herself,
and yet no one tried to help.
They all stood around her,
knowing that she was going to die.
Then he came to save her,
     she yet again fell in love with him,
        she stopped doing things that would kill her.

And finally She was happy again,
         but not him.

             He admitted that he,
only saved her out of pity.

But She didn't hear those words,
that he told her.
She is still in love with him,
but he pushed her away.

She tried to forget him,
but she couldn't,
because he was her first love.

One day,
she ran away,
to a place,
where no one can find her,
a place where she thought,
she will be happy once again.
But she,
               one day she,
died quietly,
without anyone,
knowing who she was.

The day she died,
the boy that she once loved,
realised that he,
loved her more than anything else,
but when the news came,
that she died.
he himself,
killed himself to follow,
the person that he loved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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