Chapter 1

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Ladybug and chat noir looked at each other as if to say how did we get ourselves into this mess. Ladybug ran up the akuma driven butcher as it started to throw all sort knives at them, mostly at chat noir as he was the one trying to distract the butcher,

"You know, its unsafe to run with knives", chat grinned laughing at his little joke, ladybug heard his attempt at a joke trying not to laugh but rolling her eyes instead, with her light sky blue eyes wrapped carefully in a deep blue, that slowly pierced the delicate light blue. That was one of the things he loved about his lady, her beautiful eyes that always showed you when she was happy by the way they lit up as is they were dancing in a thousand lights.

Chat noir suddenly snapped back to reality at the desperate cry of his lady the butcher had impaled her multiple times and was now laughing to himself "give me your miraculouses, and I wont kill her off" chat gazed up at him tears streaming down his face overcome with anger guilt and sadness as he realized if he hadn't have been so zoned out he could have saved her, but didnt. Chat extended his baton pointing the tip at him while shouting out "never will I ever give you my miraculous!"knowing that this was all his fault. The butcher hadn't noticed the baton flying towards him and fell backwards at the force. Luckily chat had hit the right spot on him where the akuma was hiding, panicking he ran and grabbed a glass pot with a metal lid, knowing he's not able to purify akumas. He jumped up at it capturing it in the pot and piercing three holes in the lid so it wouldn't die.

Chat noirs face welled with tears seeing the love of his life lieing down in a pool of her own blood, underneath the Eiffel tower the number 1 most romantic place in paris. Ladybug had been stabbed multiple times with deep cuts practically everywhere else his heart dropped and had shattered to bits as he realized she wasnt moving and was now unconscious! He had no idea what to do he couldn't take he hospital because her transformation would were off while unconscious, so without thinking he picked her up and made his way to the agreste (dont judge me and my french spelling) mansion and laid her down, just as he did, her transformation wore off leaving him utterly lost for words! Lying in front of him was Marinette, he began beating himself up even more for letting his princess get hurt so badly. Adrien had been crushing on her ever since the were practicing video games at her house for the school competition and had never stopped loving her. When she finally started to stir he places a white cloth over her face to make it seem like he hadn't seen her. He started to pull out all the knive that were still in her petite body, there were two knives Adrien was seriously worried about though. Dug deep into the back of Marinettes right thy was a double sided serrated bread knife that had cut about two centimetres deep but about eight inches long, ending just before the calf. Also, in one cut just above her hips was a meat clever wedged deep into her skin refusing to surface! A tear rolled down his face as his transformation finally wore off. Marinettes kwami Tikki rushed suddenly out of her hiding spot floating over to Adrian wiping the tear off his face

"I'm Tikki Marinettes kwami, its nice to finally meet you chat," giving him the warmest smile she was able to pull, Tikki had also been crying knowing that her chosen one may die from blood loss Tikki didnt mention this as she didn't want to worry him "dont worry she will be okay, she can pull through from anything!" Tikki reasured him "Now lets get that big thing out of her before she wakes up and feels the pain."

Aidrien was shocked but nodded in agreement just as plagg, chat noirs kwami came out to help at the sound of Tiki's cute voice! After about five minutes of prying at the knife it finally came out just as she woke. Ladybug/Marinette yelped in pain just to hear the voice of her soothing kwami and Adrian, hearing her kwami and Adrian made her suddenly sit up now knowing that she wasn't in her costume, she shrieked in pain as her wound above her hip oozed out with more blood! She acted unsure of where she was ~even though she obviously did know wher she was~ but unsure what happend to her, she kept on asking questions non stop.

Adrien chuckled abit trying to hide the fact that he was crying and eventually was able to muster up what happened to her without revealing his identity" W..Well i'm Adrien and chat noir said he t trusts me so left me w with y y you because he said he had no idea where you lived and now your in my room.", Adrians face grew a bright red when he said the last part, thinking his tears would turn into steam if he grew any hotter!"Also your badly injured with really deep cuts and bruises from when you were battling the butcher, t then you the going went unconscious from the loss of blood!" He stuttered really badly at the end of his sentence mixing up his words, wanting to face palm his self for not keeping his cool.

Ladybug suddenly gasped not caring of the pain she was in, she need to know where chat noir was her eyes filled will tears and concern "WHERE IS HE, O OH MY G GOSH HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN HES MY PARTNER AND NOW HES OUT THERE ALL ON HIS OWN, because of me! TIKKI SPOTS ON!" Her hands were shaking tears streaming from her eyes, her voice croaky! Adrien quickly chipped in be for she swing away" Don't worry hes fine he had to go and help clean up the city because you wasn't able to fix it." He said with a soft smile and a reassuring hand on her shoulder, feeling touched that she didn't see him as a side kick!

Marinette wanted to collapse onto the floor in pain but she didn't want to show anymore weaknesses to the boy she truly loved "Well I better go home a a anyway my parents will be worried sick, thank you so much for taking care of me I really appreciate it!" Ladybug kissed him oh the cheek before swinging away leaving him standing at his window with a hand to his cheek!


Thanx for reading this is my first fanfic. Please tell me if you like it and if I should carry it on!! Comment and vote 😇

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~*~ Ruth🐱🐞🐱

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