Chapter 1

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June 5 2014, Day 1
It's the first day of summer and I'm stuck at some camp learning about Jesus and how I can change. When I told my parents that I am into girls they freaked out on me about how jesus can help me, that I am a sinner and so forth. So they throw me into a summer camp that is supposed to lead me into the path of heterosexuality.
The drive to camp Maui was long and painful. Whenever Halsey came on the radio, my dad quickly turned it and gave me a lecture about how she's a bad influence on me, but I don't care she is queen. So I pull out my headphones, plugged it into my phone and turned strange love on. We were in the car for about 2 hours until we pulled up to the camp. My dad quickly jumped out of the car, grabbed my bag from the trunk and basically kicked me out of the car. "We will be back for you in 5 weeks" father said with a stern voice. Mother didn't even look at me, she didn't say one word to me during the drive. Father got back into the car, rolled down the window a waved goodbye. I watched the dust fly from underneath the tires, as he sped off. I took a look around my surrounding and saw a bunch of trees, 2 old benches by the entrance of the main building and a women with a great big smile on her face standing there waiting to great me. "Good afternoon sir, may I ask for your name" she said as she starred down onto her clipboard. " What's up I'm Zoey Palmer" I told the lady. "My apologizes miss" she said to me. "Your good ma'am, I try to keep people guessing" I tell her as we start to walk to my "Cabin" that I will be spending most of my time in with my music. We walked for about a mile until we reached a small wooden cabin, that looked about 109 years old. The windows were all dirty, when we walked in it smelt like burnt wood. Which was scary because this could easily burn down. But anyways when she showed me to my bed I saw that I was sharing this space with another girl. She was sitting in the corner of the bed by the wall, with her headphones in lip singing. "This is were you will spend the nights, but during the day we expect everyone to be out with everyone else getting to know and love our lord and savior Jesus Christ" the lady told me. Well looks like my plans of listening to music the whole summer won't be happening. The counselor walked out of the room back to the main cabin, so I could settle in. When I sat my bag down on the floor next to my bed, the girl took her headphones out and looked at me. I was unable to move, I was caught staring at her big, beautiful baby blue eyes. "You must be Zoey, I'm Cameron" she said but I was unable to speak. "Are you okay" she asks, I snapped out of the trance. "Yeah I'm cool, just a bit amazed" I told her, quickly I looked down and put my palm to my face. She moved her hand under my chin and lifted it up, "This cabin is pretty amazing " she said knowing what I actually meant, we both laughed, Maybe this summer isn't gonna be all that bad. I mean I get to share a cabin with this girl who took my breathe away, so I think the jokes on my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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