He Still Has A Big Ego

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|~~•Chapter 1•~~|

"Mom, mom."....."Okay I have to go now"...."Yes"...."Okay"...."Love you too"...."Bye." I hung up the phone. I was about to walk through the big glass doors to Stark Industries and turn in my application for assistant. To whom? Tony Stark. Yeah I'm not that thrilled either. I'm not to big on guys with, well, a HUGE ego like Tony himself. Besides, my boyfriend is waiting for me in L.A. while I'm here. I couldn't wait to go and see him. These thoughts and more were trailing through my head when a hand stopped it. "Tony Stark, and you?" I shook the hand he offered. Wow, he has really soft hands. "Um, Virginia Potts, but most people call me Pepper." I said. I handed him my papers. He looked down ant them and replied, "Pepper," He looked up from my résumé and application and continued, "I like that," he smiled at me. I'm not going to lie, he was fairly attractive, but Alex was waiting for me back home, and he's my soulmate. For life. Besides, like I said before, I'm not into the kind of man like Tony. Wait, why am I even thinking about this? A firm and soothing voice had interrupted my trail of thoughts again. "Well, Miss Pepper Potts, I'll have Happy call you tomorrow and inform you if you got the job," He smiled and said. "Who's Happy?" I asked. "Happy is my security guard. I know his parents have some explaining to do about the name," he chuckled and I laughed along with him. Okay his laugh is adorable. But he still has a big ego. I turned to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I got scared for a moment, but is warm chocolate brown eyes calmed me down. Wait what? "Um, there's no phone number in here ma'am," he said. "Uh, yeah I meant to ask why I needed it in there, but I get it now, Happy needs to call me," I pulled a pen out of my purse and wrote down my cell. As I was writing, I said, "And here is my cell, it's the best way to get a hold of me." I smiled. And probably stared which I expected to freak him out. But he just smiled back and nodded his head, "Very professional," he said. I turned to leave and wasn't stopped this time. And honestly, I wish he did. I mean, he's not THAT bad. But he still has a big ego. I smiled to myself. And I can't wait to see Alex. He's been in Texas for business since last month.

Hours later I was sitting at home alone. I thought Alex was already here, but I guess not. The phone started ringing. My heart was beating faster. I really need this job. "Hello,"...."Yes, this is she,"...."Thank you so much sir,"...."Bye." I hung up. "AHHHHHH!!!" I started jumping around. I got the job! Oddly enough, I was more excited to see Tony. He STILL has a big ego, okay?

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