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Phoenix_Fire7 's cat that she requested to be in here is in here sooo yep enjoy!

Darkshadow- *walks into Firestar's den* "Heyyyy Firestar!"

Firestar- "What do you want?"

Darkshadow- "Nothing. Oh my Star Clan!!! A fox!!!"

Firestar- *Jumps out of den and looks* "WHAAAAAT!!??"

Darkshadow- *sticks out paw to trip Firestar*

Firestar- "Ahhh!!!!" *falls in thorns that Darkshadow put in front of his den*

Darkshadow- "Oh somebody! Oh! HE NEED SOME MILK!!!!"

Randomcat- *brings Darkshadow a bowl of milk*

Darkshadow- *dumps the milk on Firestar's head that's stuck in thorns*

Firestar- *is soaked in milk and groans before jumping up and kicking Darkshadow out of Thunderclan*

Ways to Get Kicked out of Thunderclan(a warrior cat spoof)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant