Darkness- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"No! Don't stop! Keep running!" I kept shouting over my shoulder. "Kayla, if we stop now, the Dark Shadow will catch up!" I said. "But Jack.... I can't, I have to stop." As she said that, she slowed to a stop. She went over to a deep purple rock, dropped her favorite bow at her feet then swung her quiver over her shoulder and placed it next to her bow. "Well," I said, "We might as well eat something, but not here. If we move off the path, just a little bit, maybe the Dark Shadow wont see us and pass us by entirely." I said. "You had better be sure, Jack, I DON'T want to look into those eyes again." Kayla said, after slinging her quiver back on her shoulder and picking up her bow, then walking off the path. Unsheathing my sword and walking next to her made me feel like I had eaten twenty butterflies. Kayla was pretty, in a " messing with my friends when i'm around will be the biggest mistake you will EVER make, " kind of way. Her waist length brown hair was uneven at the ends. She has freckles on the bridge of her nose and medium brown eyes. As for me, I have ice blue eyes. My natural, white hair makes me look like a fool around her. The lights coming from the glowing rocks illuminated her face and made her even more beautiful, and me even more of a fool. But oh well, thats just the way things are, and boy am I happy about it! But there's no time to be happy, or relaxed right now. Kayla and I are being chased by what most people call, the Dark Shadow.

The Dark Shadow has many names, like Darkness, The Eyes, The Deathly Darkness, ect. Nobody knows its true form because with its dark magic, it shrouded the world in total darkness(hence the names) and Kayla and I are on a mission to stop it, because no one else will. As for now, the best we can do is stick together and stay low.

However, I am starting to get a liiitle hungry." All I have in my backpack is a jar of strawberry jam and a loaf of white bread. Oh, and four water bottles. Is that ok with you? What do you have?" I asked. "Why? Are you hungry?" She looked at me. Before I could speak, my nearly empty stomach answered back at her with a loud growl for me. She giggled. 'Well thanks dear stomach for embarrassing me,' I thought to myself."Well , I have the magic cornucopia that my mother gave me, but ever since Darkness covered the world in, well, darkness, it hasn't collected any happiness so it doesn't work at the moment." Kayla replied with a sigh. "Oh," I said." Let me try." I said, reaching. She handed me the cornucopia. I pretty much stuck my whole arm into it before somthing boiling hot burned the tips of my fingers. I quickly yanked my hand out of there sreaming " AAAAHH!!!!!!" and looked at my fingers. The tips were bright red. I dropped the cornucopia, shook my hand and stuck my fingers in my mouth. " Oh my gosh, Jack! Are you alright??!!?" Kayla said, looking at me with her really, really worried face, which I kind of favored. She looked rediculously cute with that face. Even cuter than before. " Yeah, its not that bad.... though, all the unhappiness and darkness has made the cornucopia act up. The anger and hatred it has been absorbing is slowly destroying it. Ohhhhh.....ugh." I moaned, and held up my fingers. They were throbing. " Here, let me wrap your hand up so it isn't exposed." She said gently. She lifted up my hand, inspected it, then reached into her bag and pulled out some gauze, and tape(never know when you need it right?). She set them down and pulled out some aloe vera. " What do I need this for? Its not a sunburn." I said. " I know, but its still a burn, so it should work." She replied. " ok...." It felt nice, somewhat. I mean, it still hurts, mind you. anyway it barely hurt while she did it. I looked straight at her. She looked up at me for a second and her eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. I tried smiling back, but i'm sure it looked more like a wince. Then I quickly averted my gaze back to my hand and blushed." Sooo..... how's life?" I said, trying to break the silence." Really? After all this, you ask, 'hows life' ? Really?" She said, raising an eyebrow. " Well...sorry. I'm reeally not a good conversation starter." I mumbled. " There. All covered up and cozy." she sighed, getting up. Then she got her best doctor impression on and said, " And if there is any problems, I want you to read three jokes out of this joke book," she handed me an imaginary book, "and call me if you feel any symptoms." she gave me a look that said, ' I am trying sooo hard not to laugh right now.' So I started giggling. Then I started laughing. Then she started laughing a full body laugh.We laughed like that untill almost 30 minutes had passed. Maybe being chased by the Shadow might not be so bad...

So what did you think? should i keep going? or should i just forget this whole thing? i need feedback, people.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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