Dramatis personæ (thus far)

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The Dragons

Yuriy- the Black Dragon
Pythes- the Red Dragon
Rostem- Pythes' very young son
Janus- a dragon of unknown colour and size, living a primarily human-centric life in Iobria


Miryam- Yuriy's...maid-person and friend
Aram- Pythes' companion
Baraq- the commander of Estya's Royal Army
Dionea- Estya's Grand Senator


Emil- the newly crowned Prince of Iobria
Damir- Emil's childhood friend and closest confidant
Dalibor, Čedomir, Fabijan, Eugen, and Milan- Emil's now-deceased elder brothers
Cvita and Katica- Emil's now-deceased elder sisters
Rania- Janus' assistant

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