Chapter 1

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The noise of the boisterous tavern died down the more he drank.  Normally startlingly  blue eyes stared blankly at the bottom of the empty glass in his hands as he sat at the bar.  The haze in his mind was thickening with each glass, blurring his vision and offering its sweet release from the haunting memories.
        The man slapped another coin on the counter and grunted at the bartender.  The rotund man with a dirty apron eyed him suspiciously,
         "You sure you want another?  I doubt you could stand as it is."  He said flatly.  The man smirked,
         "That should be no concern of yours, so long as I keep paying."  He slurred back.  The bartender sighed, but reached behind him for another glass.
         Giggling met the man's ears and he turned towards the three girls eyeing him from across the room.  He winked at them and they erupted into giggles, their lovely faces flushing.  He smiled and went back to his drink as the bartender gave him a full glass.
          Dark blonde hair fell in his eyes as he tipped the glass back for a drink.  The bitter spirit burned his throat as it went down, but he ignored it, instead welcoming the haziness it offered.
          No longer could he remember what he'd wanted to forget, so it must be working.  The glass clinked roughly as he set it down in front of him, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
          "Are you here alone?"  A soft voice asked him innocently.  The young woman at his elbow had gorgeous ginger curls that hung around a generous bosom and her curious brown eyes studied him hopefully.
          The man smiled charmingly, "I don't seem to be anymore."  He replied, slipping an arm around her slender waist and pulling her closer.  The woman smiled, leaning into him,
          "A nice gentleman like you shouldn't be alone, especially at night."  She purred close to his ear.  The man chuckled, his broad shoulders shaking,
          "And what does a lovely young lady like yourself do, in the late hours of the night?"  He asked, eyeing her bosom once again.  Before she could respond, a large hand clamped painfully on his shoulder,
           "Hey slob.  Leave my girl alone."  The girl quickly crawled off his lap and stepped back fearfully as the man was yanked off his chair and tossed away from her.
          Being as inebriated as he was, Riel couldn't find his balance and toppled to the ground, landing with a sound thud in an ungraceful heap on the worn wooden floors.
         The buzz of commotion in the tavern stopped suddenly, all eyes turning to watch.  Riel shook his head, trying uselessly to clear it.  He grunted as he pushed himself into a sitting position and squinted at the angry man towering over him.
          "You know," he said as he started the complicated process of standing, "she was the one who came to me-"
          No sooner had the words left his mouth then a fist connected with his jaw, sending him back to the floor.  He rolled, already expecting the kick that the other man had aimed for his stomach.
         Riel rolled into a table, and used it for balance as he stood, turning his dark blue eyes on the man, "Leave me be.  Can't a man enjoy his drink in peace?"
          "Not if you're seducing my girl, scum."  The man growled.  Two of his friends joined him, standing on either side of him.  They were about as broad shouldered as Riel, but all three were slightly taller.
          Riel sighed, almost remorsefully. "You sure you want this, boys?"  He asked, catching the flash of anger in their eyes at his insult.
     Instead of responding, the men stepped forward and attacked, one aiming a punch that connected with his jaw, another grabbing his arms and securing them behind his back.
     The man who's girl had been flirting with him, flashed a knife in his hand and glared hatefully at him,
      "You drunks really need to learn your place."  He growled.  Before he could stab him, Riel used the man holding him for balance and threw his legs out, kicking the man away from them.  His friend landed several more punches to his stomach, causing Riel to grunt in pain.
     Gasps rang out from the other patrons in the tavern as the three dragged Riel out the back door and into the small alleyway out behind the building and proceeded to beat him.
       Each punch and kick resounded in a sickening thud as it connected.  Riel tried to fight back, but in his slurred state, he could do very little to defend himself.    
    The pain was welcome as they finally started to slow, leaving him on the ground.  Riel coughed before grinning up at the leader, "She really was cute-"
      The sharp pain of the knife sliding between his ribs caused Riel to grunt.
      "You won't ever lay a finger on her."  The man growled as he twisted the blade and pulled it out.
      The group left him bleeding on the ground and made their way back inside the tavern.
       Riel groaned, coughing up blood, but made no move to get up or seek help.  The pain was slowly waking him from the drunken stupor he'd been in. Maybe he'd taken that one a little too far. He was bleeding out at an alarming rate.
       Definitely not a good thing for a Prince.

This is just the first chapter. Don't worry, the second will be longer, but I'm still editing it.  Please comment!

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