My Pets (A short story)

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My eyes flutter open as I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. I lay there and listen to the volume slowly increase to the point where I can no longer take the loud buzzing sound and turn my alarm off. For a while I lay there still, thinking about what to do today, maybe I'll get another pet. Ah pets, as the thought crosses my mind I get up and dress myself, I have to feed my pets.

I make my way past the kitchen and to the door to my basement, which is where my pets are kept. I begin walking down the stairs.
"Sally, Joe, Bob! Are you ready for breakfast?!"
I hear nothing from them. I reach the bottom of the stairs and flick the light switch on. Then I see them, my pets. Sally is the closest to me but when she sees me she crawls back as close as she can to the wall.
"It's okay Sally you don't need to be afraid of me anymore, I won't hurt you. Aren't you hungry?"
I feel my jaw start to clench before I tell her that her name is Sally. I look at her, her eyes, they're not blue anymore, they're green again. I walk to a cupboard where I keep all the contacts. My pets must have blue eyes and brown hair. I get new contacts out and walk back to Sally.
"Put these on." I order sternly.
She doesn't move and keeps looking down. I repeat myself but louder and more stern.
"Put. These. On." I throw them down at her.
She slowly reaches for them and starts to open the box. I calm down a little and go back to the cupboard and get some food. I open the cupboard door and look at the selection. A can of soup should do. I grab three cans of chicken noodle soup. As I walk back I ask how Bob and Joe are doing since I've been too focused on Sally so far. As usual they glare at me. I open the cans of soup and pour them into the three dishes. I give each pet their food and go back upstairs, after all I have stuff to do. I decide I should go grocery shopping. I grab my car keys and leave, locking the door behind me.

Once I enter the grocery store I am greeted by one of the workers, Cheryl I think her name is. I smile and wave and make my way to the bread isle. I pass a few people, all of them smiling at me and I always smiling back at them. I see a girl with brown hair with her back towards me and I decide to approach her. No, I will "accidentally" run into her. After making my somewhat plan, I follow through.
"Oh I'm so sorry I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking." I say.
She smiles at me and says "Oh don't worry about it, it's okay!"
I smile.
"What beautiful blue eyes you have" I say after noticing she has blue eyes. Perfect.
"Oh! Thank you!" She says this with a lovely smile.
"I'm Ava by the way"
"Damien." I say holding my hand out for a shake.
She shakes my hand, wow what soft skin. I was too busy thinking about her soft hands to notice she was writing something on a notepad. She hands it to me.
"Here's my number, I have to go. Maybe we'll see each other again!"
I look at the piece of paper and notice a phone number, perfect.

I leave the grocery store feeling happy. I got the things I needed, including a possible new pet. I'll just have to invite her over some day for tea. Tomorrow maybe.

I get home and put my groceries away and notice the red light flashing on my answering machine. I go over to it and push the play button.
"Hi Damien it's Cassandra, one of your pets got out while you were gone, I have her here in my basement."
Immediately I get furious. I try my hardest and control my anger so I don't take it out on Cassandra. I make my way over to her house. After being invited in we sit down at the kitchen table.
"I don't know how she managed to escape Cass, sorry about that"
"Oh it's alright Damien don't worry, it was like a race to see who would help her and I wanted to win badly. Oh you should've heard her screaming."
I let out a small laugh.
"I invited her inside and told her to relax and I'd make her some tea and she wouldn't accept it. You scarred her Damien. So instead I offered coffee and surprisingly she accepted. Haha how dumb of her." She pauses for a second. "I put the drugs in the coffee and it didn't take her long to pass out. I locked her in my basement in case she woke up before you came back."
"Thank you" I say as I stand up and start to make my way to the basement. I open the door and she's still passed out, I picked her up over my shoulders and whispered "shh my pet, everything will be okay."

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