Chapter 1

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As I got out of the silver uber, all I can hear is chattering from hundreds, scratch that, thousands of people waiting in line to board the massive ship that was going to be my new home for the next week. Saying I'm terrified is a huge understatement, I'm legitimately freaking out! You see, I've seen titanic way too many times, and I really don't know what else to expect.

It took about three hours until we boarded the ship, and wandered around a little bit. I splashed freezing cold water from the miniature sink, into my drained face, hoping to wash the tired away. Tonight my anxiety is going to be at an all time high, moving ship, new spaces, new people. But hey, at least I have Dawson and Luke to follow around!

Dinner came around the corner faster than expected, and my group was seated around the fancy table all dressed up. As I look around I could see my mom in a nice black lace dress, sitting beside her boyfriend, Trent, who had a navy blue suit on. On the other side of him was Gail, who was wearing an unflattering flower print dress that looked like it should've been given to good will. Gail was sitting by her son Luke, who forgot to bring fancy clothes, so he stole one of Dawson's white plaid shirts, and a pair of boot- cut jeans. Last but not least, to my right was Dawson, who of course was the fanciest out of all of us, wearing a breath taking black tuxedo, and worn out black dress shoes. We all laughed and talked throughout the dinner, getting a great start to the week. Dawson and Luke dragged me out of the dinning room before dessert, and made me get changed into not so fancy clothes so that we wouldn't be late for the first teens club meeting. I quickly changed into a pair of white short- shorts, and a black Rolling Stones muscle shirt, and quickly ran up the flights of stairs, counting as I went.. Deck 3, deck 4, deck 5, deck 6. I inhaled sharply trying to catch my breath before returning to the stairs. Deck 7, deck 8, deck 9, and finally, deck 10!

"What took you so long shorty?" Luke laughed jokingly

"I'm sorry, I've got short legs that have to work in over time to keep up to you." I smirked out of breath.

Dawson rolled his eyes, and took off up the stair again. Deck 11, deck 12. I fell to the ground and laughed, how was I going to last the rest of the week? I was dead from climbing the stairs once, and not even all of them!

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