Chapters 5-8

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5.Life: Monkey See, Monkey Do

“James!” John yelled and I rushed into my room. “You can take him now.”

“Okay. Bye John,” I replied as John left, leaving me with the now clothed Tom. Tom was slightly taller than me, but he was much skinnier. His brown hair seemed to be cut close to his head, while his brown eyes scanned everything in sight at least twice.

“What now?” Tom asked as he tried to keep his gaze on me, but it kept soaring around the room.

“Now you see if you can walk,” I told as I gave him my left hand and pulled him up. He stood and took a step, but then he bent his knees and placed his hands on the floor. He walked around on all fours until I roared, “Stop! Stand up! You're a human! Not a monkey!”

“Sorry. Don't eat me,” he whimpered as he stood unsteadily. I helped him to the treadmill, where he walked and we talked.

“So they fitted you perfectly, didn't they?” I purred and he laughed.

“They didn't pick a bad one for you either, Mr. Tough Guy,” he chattered as he glanced at me and my muscles.

“So how was your life?” I asked as I relaxed more.

“It was alright. Mostly monkey see, monkey do,” he answered as he started to walk on all fours again.

“Tom, on your feet,” I hissed as I stood and grabbed him under the armpit to pull him up.

“Okay. Sorry James. I keep forgetting. You know us monkeys; but of course, you're a lion. You eat things like me,” he chuckled as he turned the treadmill off and climbed onto the top of it. He was very light and the treadmill barely shifted because of his weight.

“But we are not animals but adults. You and I are both twenty-three years old!” I roared as I stared fiercely at him.

“Then why are you roaring? Really James, if you're trying to make a point; then you got to try a little harder,” he chuckled as he leaped to the chair beside me. “What is wrong with your arm?”

“I broke it, when I fell over a root. Now come. I want you to meet my daughter,” I cheered as I headed towards the door.

“Yea!” he cheered as he ran out the door in front of me.

“Wait! You don't know her!” I yelled as I rushed after him.

He stopped and glanced at me cheerfully. “I can smell her. He smells like you!” he screeched before he dashed off again on all fours.

6.Is He Okay?

I hurried after him and when I found him, he was holding Anna's hand. “Oh, you found my wife, Anna,” I purred as he gave me a look of 'Man, good pick!'

“Opps!” he chuckled as he backed up.

“Who is this, James?” Anna laughed as Tom now stood beside me.

“This is Tom, my best friend before your dad captured us,” I told sadly and she started crying; so I pulled her into a hug.

“Why is she crying? Who is her dad?” he screeched very confused.

“Excuse me Tom, but you have to speak English around me. I no longer understand,” Anna said a bit amused by his chattering.

“Oh sorry. I'm a monkey; so I forget easily,” Tom exclaimed as he stared at the ground.

“Let me show you my daughter Annie, Tom” I purred as I grabbed his arm and started away from Anna. I glanced back and yelled, “See you later sweetie.”

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