From far away it's just a flower everyone adores
Once you look close
It's beauty almost touches your inner most being
Awakening the joy you never knew existed
Among others yet still stands out
Those besides it seem to not notice it's bling
Lonely yet not alone
Different but so special
Full of life it comforts
Just a colorful flower but you find yourself opening up to it
So perfect a mere brush over it may ruin it's perfection
That ceasing you from touching it
Fright covers you as it sways along the flow of the breeze as though it is going to lose its life
From reflex you find yourself trying to save it
It weathers as you make contact with it
Lost it's perfection yet still so beautiful
you got carried away
Only look but don't touch
Stay watching
Look, look close, closer but don't make contact
It's fragile
Only getting closer leaves you knowing that about it
Its stem is weak but it appears strong and carefree
Blinding beauty
PoetryThis is about the type of beauty that hides all the pain making you think life is perfect yet it is the opposite.