O O H M F 2 ❤

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"Nice work everbody!  Keep it up! " the photographer said.

"Neh!  Kamsahamnida ~! " we bowed politely then head off outside waiting for our van to arrive followed by our manager.

"get home safely boys, I have  important things to do, okay? Mian I cant buy you foods today~" manager said.

"its okay manager-nim, we can manage...oh!the van has arrived we better get going,  anneayong manager-nim" Suho said and we all bowed politely.

I realy dont feel good today, my head hurts,maybe, because of the busy schedules waking up early and all. When we get home I'll go straight to bed. 


We arrived safely at the dorm. Everyone is complaining  about their tired of shooting but, I really didn't bother cause Im tired too. Before I go straight to bed I ask D.O who's picking up the used shirts and all, if we have a schedule this afternoon he said 3:30 practice, 5:00 radio station. See? No schedules! (N/A: SARCASM EVERBODY! ) Im going to bed.


Yes! No classes this afternoon~! Kekekekeke "Heul Ji! Wanna go somewhere?  There's no class this afternoon ~ the teachers are going to have a seminar! "I ask Heul Ji happily we're here outside the school waiting for a bus. 

"jinjja?! Where?!" Heul Ji said loudly, her eyeballs are going to pop out any time soon, I think?

"Hmm..Mall? Cinema? Ice crea--//RIIING RIING//"  hey! It's Kris oppa ! Its been awhile

"OPPA! " I really miss him

"EUNIE! I MISSED YO-- YAAAAH! YOU LITTLE PUNK! I REALLY REALLY MISSED YOU ~! " hahaha.  My brothers really amused me.  Tao oppa is so energetic as ever!


"but im talking to her hyung! Talk to her later!" Tao oppa said childishly, I think Kris oppa is chasing him right now.

Chasing each other again? I forgot, they're childrens -.- sometimes I wonder am I really the youngest or the oldest?

"who is that? Tao, is that your girlfriend? "

"Make it fast guys! "

"Kris, who is that? Your mom?"

"pabo!  If its their mom,they ain't going to talk like that!"

W-wait.  E-exo?  Really?  Really?  I heard Chen, Suho, Xuimin and Luhan's voice. crap!  Im shaking. I haven't met exo in my whole damn life yet! Even if my brothers are exo members, well, they kept me hidden. They want me to have a normal life.

Heul Ji mouthed me if Im okay because I look pale I told her Im okay and nothing to worry.

"Shut up guys! You'll going to meet her soon!  Okay? "Kris oppa said through the phone after the long chasing thing they've done.

"What is going on? " I confusedly asked.

"You dont have any class right now, right? " Kris oppa asked

"nope, none. Our teachers are having a seminar " I said

" Can you come here to our dorm? "

"I c-c-" before I could say no, Kris hyung pleaded to me and of course!  I said yes.

"Good! I haven't met you for a looong looong time!  Here's our address ****, see ya Eunie! Be safe! " Kris oppa said then ended the call. 

"Mian Heul Ji,  my brothers wants to meet me" I said sadly.

"Can I come?  Oh yeah,  its not yet the right time, right? " Heul Ji said.  I know she really wants to meet my brothers but its not time yet. 

"Yes Heul Ji, its not time yet!  Someday Heul Ji, someday. I better get going now.  See ya! " I hugged her then ran off.  I looked back seeing her waving her hands goodbye. I waved back then get on the bus.  Heul Ji really is nice.

Im so excited and kinda nervous.. Meeting exo?  Really? Day dreaming ~ I arrived at the place we're my brothers ask me to go. Is this a house or a dorm? 

I moved closer to the door and was about to ring the doorbell but my hands are shaking. I hold my hands tightly then close my eyes and took deep breaths.

I keep doing this over and over for 20 minutes. Im so nervous .Its now or never.  Its my chance!

   //DING//    // DONG // 




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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