Miserable At Best

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Miserable At Best

It’s been 2 weeks since their breakup. Other girls hadn’t hesitated in starting rumors against her.

“They broke up because she cheated with his best friend,”

In reality, she had never even looked at another man. He made her feel like she was the sun in the morning, giving him light to make it through the rest of his day. He made her feel like she was the moon at night, guiding him through the dark. He made her feel like she was everything. She never wanted another man, another love. She didn’t need one. She had all the love she could ever need, right there in his arms.

“She fucked so many guys after they broke up, just to prove that she doesn’t need him, his best friend included.”

The only man who ever touched her was him. She gave herself to him completely, handed her heart over on a silver platter with her virginity as a side dish. He had gladly accepted her heart, and hesitated in taking her. She thought he hesitated because he wanted to make sure she was really ready, but now she knew, it was because he didn’t want her.

He never told her the reason he suddenly didn’t hold any interest in her anymore. As far as she knew, everything was perfect. But she understood. They had been together for three years, it was only a matter of time before she lost his interest. She should've seen it coming. She always knew she wasn’t enough to keep a man’s attention.

She sat in the back of the crowd with her few friends, waiting for the school’s annual talent show to begin. The flier said he was in it, but it didn’t say what he was performing.

All the acts ran through her head like marathon runners. All she wanted was to see him again, to see the face she used to be able to look at for hours on end. She couldn’t bear looking at him now for more than a few minutes, the embarrassment of disappointing him so much that he left her would weigh down on her chest until she had to walk away, tears streaming down her face.

He walked onto the stage, taking a seat behind the microphone. His best friend, with a guilty expression, sat down behind the piano.

“Jamie, don’t cry. I know you’re trying your hardest,”

She gasped and tears sprung to her eyes at the sound of her name coming from his lips.

“But compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright,”

The tears leaked over her lids. He had always told her how much he loved her eyes.

“Lets not pretend like you're alone tonight. I know he’s there and you're probably hanging out and making eyes,” He gestured towards his friend behind the piano.

“I know I’m good for something I just haven’t found it yet. I need you,” He changed the lyrics again. More tears poured down her cheeks at the realization that he had tailored the song to fit to their situation.

He continued with the song, never taking his eyes away from hers.

“And this will be the first time in two weeks that I’ll talk to you, it’s been three whole days since I’ve had sleep,” he continued. Her friends pulled her out of her chair, just as planned.

As soon as she was pushed up onto the stage, his arms wrapped around her, the microphone long forgotten.

“I miss the lips that made me fly,” He sung into her ear. Those words caused her knees to go weak, her tears to fall harder. The only thing keeping her up was his arms, and he wasn’t planning on letting her go.

“I can live without you but, without you I’ll be miserable at best,”

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