Don't talk about it

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Jenika P.O.V

Damnit Prince why just why

I woke up in my hot pink and lime green room that my daddy painted for me then i got up brushed my teeth showered and put on a shirt that said Swag over everything and some basketball shorts and put my curly hair in a high ponytail then went downstairs to make myself some bacon and see Prince and his friends Rayquan Lopez aka Ray, Craig Crippen aka Prod and Chresanto aka Roc laughing at some videos on keek

Prod: Princess Jen up before noon What!!

Me: Shut it Prod but Prince want Some bacon

Ray & Prod: We do

Me: I believe i was talking to my brother not his greedy ass friends

Them: we ain't greedy

Me: LIES! But Prince do you or don't you

Prince: you know damn well if i say yep you gone end up eating my bacon along with yours

Me: you right you right

So I go and make my bacon to take to my room and before i close my door i hear this shit downstairs:

Roc: Damn Jenika got cake

Prod: bro you know she cant stand since 7 grade and told the whole school she was basically a thot

Ray: yea bro and yall can't even go five minutes without arguing

Roc: i kno i dont like her i just wanna fuck her

From the way he was talking Prince wasnt there

Ray: Why did you even do that to her i thought well we all thought you liked her

Roc: i did but she went out with Jaden when i was about to tell her how i felt. So now fuck her she a bitch

Then i heard Prince say Niqqas im back so now what after that i texted my girls to come hang

PrincessaJen: aye Lexi come ova and tell Tay and Mia to get they lazy asses up to

LexiGotThtCakee: iight

About 2 minutes later they all busted in my room

Me: damn what y'all was doing waiting on my porch

Taylor: naw we was coming to get your ass up

Me: yea so you where to

Jamia: umm With the boys

Me: why did i even ask.....MICKEY


Tay: really still you're using kindergarten nicknames

Me: yes

Prince: what do you want


Me: *baby voice* can mwe an da gurls hang wit you brutha

Prince: yes just stop talking like that please

Me: *normal voice* ok

So after awhile everybody hang out in the living room until me and Tay had an idea

Me & Tay: Lets go to the park then the mall then fair

EverybodyelsebutRoc: Yes

Roc: no Taylor and Jenika

Me: well Chresanto it's what most of us wanna do so if you don't wanna go..go home

Roc: Shut your Bxtch ass up thot

Me: explain how ima thot when i keep my legs close but you try to fuck everything with a pussy bxtch boy bye don't get your ass beat walking STD

Prince: Jenny..

Me: Jakey.., don't start with me he started and i finished it

Prince: say sorry

Me: boy.please i wish i would

Then I walk outside to go in my lime green Mercedes that my Daddy bought me

In about 20 minutes i calmed down and Prince knew so he came to my room

Prince: Look i kno that you have a hard time saying sorry since the while dad thing

I started crying, hard

Me: Leave it alone if he wanted to be with us it would be i mean he left us when we were 5 and left us with Grandma Rita and all she'd tell me was 'he'll come back baby he will' but he never did he never did i tried to say sorry for being a bad daughter even though i Did nothing i cried for weeks about that. i want good enough for him he said he loved me and would do anything for me but is he here so fuck him his sorry ass ain't shit but another statistic. a black man abandons kids

Prince: I can cancel out plans sissy

Me: no bro we can go let my face cool down

Prince: ok

After that we went to the park and mall went home to put our bags there. Now we're going to the fair


I was walking around at my own pace when I hear someone say

Roc: hey you should like move the fuck outta my way....

I would of confronted him but I don't wanna ruin the night for everyone else

Me: just go go around please

Roc and the girls looked at me weird because I'd never been so nice to him

----------------- As time moves we make it back home i see a very familiar face

Me: JADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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