some fun

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Ezra's POV

I went over to the cockpit were Hera was she looked at me as I sat down.
''I take it went will?'' She asked
''Sort of you should go into hiperspace.'' I said she didn't question me and did.
''So tell me what happened.'' She said turning to me I explained to her about the run she nodded as I spoke.
''Wow I'm glade you guys got out in time.'' She said
''Yea me too.'' I said we pulled out of hiperspace.
''Ezra look its the pregill.'' Hera said I looked out they were all around.
''I don't think Y/N has ever seen one.'' I said
''Let's find out.'' Hera replayed
''Hey Y/N can you come here?'' I called she came into the cockpit.
''Yea what's up?'' She asked
''Look.'' I said her eyes widened.
''Are those what I think they are?'' She asked
''Yep.'' I said
''I've never seen a pregill before.'' She said
''Then you're gonna love this. Hera?'' I asked
''Just be careful.'' She said I took my sisters hand we made to the air lock and we put on our helmet's.
''OK Hera we're ready.'' I said pressing a button on the side of my helmet. She sealed the hall and opened the door I took my sisters hand again and we jumped out onto one of the pregill.
''Wow.'' She said looking around.
''Connect with them.'' I said she held out her hand and closed her eyes.
''There amazing.'' She said opening her eyes she jumped on another one and flew past me.
''Hey wait up.'' I said I connected with mine I raced after her.

Kanan's POV

I went to the cockpit and only saw Hera and chopper.
''Were is Ezra and Y/N?'' I asked Hera
''Look for your self.'' She said I looked out and saw them riding on pergill's.
''That's looks kind of fun.'' He said
''Go if you want to.'' Hera said I ran off as I put on my helmet she sealed the hall and opened the air lock I too jumped onto a pregill I connected with mine and went after the two twins.
''Hey Kanan join in on the fun.'' Y/N said
''You want to see fun?'' I said and raced past her I was right behind Ezra and I went under him.
''Hey.'' He said when I got in front of him.
''Got to keep up.'' I called I laughed then Y/N raced past me laughing.
''Got to keep up Kanan.'' She called and went even faster.
''How am I going to catch up with her.'' I said
''Will I don't know about you but I have a few tricks up my sleeves.'' Ezra said flying next to me. I smiled as he flew off.

Ezra's POV

I was right behind my sister her H/L H/C hair peaked from her helmet. I got behind her and jumped on her pregill I snook up on her started tickling her.
''Ezra!'' She laughed I quickly jumped on mine and flew off.
''Ezra we need to get back to the ship we're leaving soon.'' I heard Kanan say I pressed the button on my helmet.
''I'll be right there.'' I said and turned my pregill around my sister was already at the ship when I got there Kanan held out his hand to help her up then he did the same to me. After we were ready Hera pulled into hiperspace.
''So were are we going?'' I asked her pulling off my helmet.
''Back to the main base they need our help setting up.'' Hera said
''OK.'' I said my sister pulled off her helmet and her hair was sticking up I laughed.
''What?'' She asked I pointed to her hair she looked at her reflection on the glass and started flatting her hair.
''Its not funny.'' She said
''It kind of is.'' I laughed
''Oh yea how about this.'' She said jumping at me we fell to the floor and starts wrestling like little kids I finally pinned her to the ground.
''I'm still stronger.'' I said
''You think.'' She said she managed to free her hands and pinned me to the ground I tried to move back I couldn't.
''Fine I give up.'' I said she got off me and held out her hand I took it and she pulled me to my feet.
''For once I'm stronger then you.'' She said
''Not by much.'' I said
''Still.'' She said
''No.'' I said
''Its probable because I'm older.'' She said
''Only by a few minuets.'' I said we came out of hiperspace as we walked into the cockpit.
''Ghost to Phoenix squadron we are coming in.'' Hera said
''Phoenix squadron to ghost you are clear for landing.'' Someone replayed
''Copy that.'' Hera replayed we landed and all got off.
Hey guys so I did see the new star wars rebels episode so these next few ones are going to follow those a little just to let you know bye.

Your POV

You saw some fighters fly away you all received some instructions you were given a big sensor to put around camp.
''Hey stay safe.'' Ezra said to you.
''You too.'' You said and ran off it took you a while for you to found the spot to put the sensor you placed it there turning of on you heard a hiss from behind you. You turned around and pulled out your light saber. You walked quietly away from the sensor trying to make no sounds when you heard the hiss from behind you. You turned to see a group of giant spiders the hiss came from behind you again and you knew there was more the sun was setting and the sky turned purple.
''OK this is a problem.'' You said
''Y/N we need to go help sabine and Rex we will be back soon.'' You heard Ezra say you grabbed your caller.
''Will can you hurry back soon I'm going to need some help.'' You said

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now