What holiday??

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Thunderstorms. Loud and frighteningly close. The rain was Falling hard and heavy. Why we were sitting in a leaking garage in the middle of nowhere was just not adding up. Justin sat there with his hands intertwining with mine. I had known this fella since i was 9 and never before had i seen him so unsettled.
"Justin, am cold"
He just looked up and tried to dry my face with his left hand.
" this will be over soon." He whispered back. He was trying to convince himself. And By the look of things things were not about to get any better.
"Why?" I whispered. Couldnt we go to a better place?
"Look around you. Maybe it will start making sense."
Slowly i lifted my eyes from where i was sitting and started a closer inspection of where we were. Familiar setting...my stomach was burning up and my heartbeat was increasing by the second. My head became a jumble of images and voices. My knees were jelly and i could feel the e energy sap from my body. Then everything went silent. As the darkness spread around me i felt justin's grip tighten around me.

Kinda very short introduction to my first story but am very excited. Promise I'll update as soon and often as I can........and vote vote please..the comments keel them coming.

I wake up as if I have been jolted by something in my dreams, only that I had woken up in the very same place I had drifted off.
Okay,this is very wiered. Its raining heavily and am all soaked up. I look around for Justin and i cant seem to find him anywhere. I try to call him out but i cant even hear my own voice. Screams. Terrifying screams are coming from the garage. I can feel my heart in my throat and i grope aimlessly for support. Hold on a sec. My hands are going through everything like am a ....like a.......
The terrified screams again. My sister comes running into the shed all soaked up and blood soiled. She is groping on the old Ferguson and trying very hard to keep breathing.
"Claurt!!" I scream. I run towards her. i try to hold her hand but my fingers go through hers like light through water. An involuntary yelp escapes my mouth. Then my father in law walks in with his ivory walking stick that is blood soiled and smirks evilly at the sight of my sister.
"Stay away from her or i swear to god..."i scream at the old man and stand in front of him pointing at him with my index. The old man walks through me as if i wasn't there headed for my sister. Why cant he see me??Now am super terrified. What is wrong with me?!?!
"Die bitch!" The man yells at my sister and aims a rusty garden trowel at her.
I throw myself in front of my sister in a last attempt to save the situation. My sister's soft groan of immense pain is the last thing i hear before everything starts to go round. Her blood soaked dress is the last blurred sight i see before I feel myself evaporate into the misty night. Literary I see myself vanish and not even my horrified screams or spirited fight could change what was happening.

I gasp sharply for air the moment my eyes snap open and I just can't control my breathing. Then I start screaming and talking fast in an unheard of language. I'm now sweating profusely because i can taste its saltiness on my lips. Or are they tears?my mind is jumbling a lot of images and words and I'm trying to talk them out at the same time.
Justin slaps me hard across the face and mind settles and the breathing becomes more steady.
"Take me home now" i order Justin the moment my lips stop quivering.
"Did you remember anything? People, words...."
" i said take me home NOW!" I yell at him.
As i try to get on my feet, I realized the red Ferguson I was gripping on and let go of it immediately, making me to fall flat on my belly.
Justin helps me up and holds on to me as we walk through the overgrown driveway to his car. i stare out the window all throughout and I don't even bother to tell Justin goodnight. I walk into my bed shoes and all and fall Into dark sleep. Frighteningly silent and dark. Restless.
I keep turning though i cant keep my eyes open longer for a second.
Through my closed lids I feel light from across the room. yellow light I know it is. It shimmered for a moment then faded and the unholy darkness resumed.
" Justin?" I whispered.
" sleep bestie" a voice reassured. Not Justin's though. This voice was deep and manly.
Only one person called me bestie... He was dead eleven years now.
But i recountered nothing of this night because i woke up in a holiday lounge in the middle of the Serengeti.

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