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I sighed. "The deal is over Cipher. I've done my part, now give me it."

A mysterious voice said, "Oh, you think it's all gonna be over. Well, you're not even close Pi-"

"Do NOT call me that name," I snapped out.

"Oh, I forgot. You're his twisted doppelganger." The voice laughed.

"I wouldn't bring myself to his level." I quietly said.

Everything went black in the large, empty room I was sitting in. Soon a glowing blue mouse scurried in front of my knees. Huh... how strange, I thought. Normally these rodents are a pale white... this is suspicious.

Suddenly the floor glowed a bright blue. It was almost to the point of blinding my pure eyes. My life almost flashed before me, but then it stopped. I was too shocked to scream out for my sister. I was breathing heavily enough that anyone could hear my breath. "W-what t-the h-ell? T-this is n-not what was s-supposed to happen." I managed to say. I could hear Cipher's laugh.

I felt my heart slow down until it was at it's normal speed. "That w-was strange."

"Indeed it was." said a voice that sounded like Cipher.

"Cipher? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing that doesn't have anything to do with you."

I was still in my position in the middle of the room, waiting for Cipher to make his move. Nothing happened for a minute. Finally I said, "What the hell ar-" I wasn't able to speak. I was just staring at a blank, white wall on the other side of the room. The floor glowed blue once again. This time, it was in the shape of a pine tree. A white figure came bursting out of the ground. I couldn't make out what it was.

"Bill!!!"the figure yelled out. It took out what looked to be a hand reaching for something. Then I heard my sister screaming. "Mabel!" I yelled along with the figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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