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It was a beautiful day in Southampton. Lewis awoke with a yawn as he got out of bed and did his morning routine which took him about 20 minutes. He must look his best, afterall, he was filming for youtube today. Once he was ready he drove to the house they filmed at. When he arrived he noticed that only Matt was there. This was odd since Matt was usually the late one. Lewis' heart stopped once he realized it was just going to be him and Matt. Harry and Paul would be a few minutes late. "Hey Lewis." Matt greeted. Lewis smiled,"Hey Matt." Matt cleared his throat. "Lewis i need to show you something." Matt walked into a separate room, lewis following cautiously behind. Once they got inside matt pulled out a box. He opened it, showing lewis his crabs. Lewis never thought he would see Matt's crabs, but he was oddly intrigued by them. He had never seen another man's crabs, well except for that homeless man that was selling them for half a pound. Matt closed his box and put his crabs away. "So what now?" Lewis asked. Matt shrugged and walked into the next room. Matt ploped onto the couch and yawned, Lewis soon joining him. Lewis pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his social media. Nothing exciting, paul posted a picture of Sully, Baccabee just went live on younow, and harry had sent him a text. Lewis felt something heavy fall on his shoulder. Fearing that it was a giant spider, he quickly looked to his right. It was just Matt. "How the hell do you fall asleep so fast?" Lewis mumbled to himself as Matt started to snore softly. Lewis thought it was cute but wouldn't dare tell anyone. About 5 minutes passed before lewis heard the front door click, Paul and Harry where here. Lewis had to act fast, as Harry pushed the door open, Lewis pushed himself off of the couch and onto the floor. Lewis ended up hitting his face on the table. Matt fell over, still somehow asleep as Paul and Harry walked in. "Bloody hell that was a loud noise, did you hear that lew-" Paul cut himself off as he looked at Lewis who now had a bloody nose. "You know what, i don't even want to know." Paul said as he left the room. Long story short; the rest of that day was pretty uneventful.

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