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I walked slowly forward, my hands bound with rough rope, poked and prodded by my former allies. I glanced back to see the faces of the scruffy men, each who I knew by name, a look of betrayal in  their cold, hard eyes. I felt a wave of disappointment overcome me as I brought my eyes to the gently swaying wood floor.

"Walk the plank traitor!" an angered voice called.

I completely deserve this, I thought to myself. I'm scum.

My gaze lifted to face the calm blue ocean. It was a calm day, nice and warm. The crisp, salt air smelled fresh and clean - it reminded me of my first voyage.

It's a good day to die. I decided.

I turned sadly back to my crew, "I'm sorry. I really am, but I didn't have much of a choice." I said as my voice wavered slightly as the crew looked down on me with shame.

I took a deep breath as I walked to the end of the unstable wooden plank, "To Davy Jones Locker..." I said, barely audible to anyone but myself.

"M-Martin..." a soft, familiar voice squeaked.

I looked to face the young, crying boy. His eyes were a clear, sea green. Eyes like mine that some call the Eyes of the Sea. I gave him the strongest look I could, "Don't give a second thought about me, y'hear kid?" I said with a deep breath, "I'm a traitor, remember that! I'm not worth the worry, a traitor! A traitor!"

I faced the ocean for the final time savoring the last moments I would ever see of the ocean's surface. I took a deep breath before finally taking my last step, I closed my eyes.

Rest at last.

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