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You sat in the training room. alone. At least that's what you thought. You had just finished initiation. A new member yes but you were already known by most of the higher ups of Dauntless. Why? Well because you had caught the eyes of two very known men. Four (Tobias) Eden and Eric Coulter. You, despite popular opinions, preferred Eric. You saw the way Tris looked at Four. You liked the idea of them together and you were dating Eric anyways. Well to be fair only you and Eric knew that.
You get up and see some knives set out on the table ready for throwing. You stood up and set the knife in your hand. You breath slowly and deeply before your eyes lock on the target and you throw it with all your strength. You throw knife after knife until you're all out and then you move over to the punching bag area. You punch the bag with as much might as you have. You take all of your anger out the equipment. Eventually you are screaming in pure rage with tears filling your vision as you cry out in anger.
You were sick of everything. Sick of people doubting you. Thinking you are only a Dauntless member because you bat your eyelashes at the trainers. Thinking you are weak and shouldn't be here. And above all the disbelief that you, a girl from Amity and nothing more, could ever be strong enough to be Dauntless. You scream in frustration as your wrists begin to hurt.
"Your'e just going to hurt yourself (F/N)."
"I'm fine."
"You always said that when you aren't fine."
"Well this time i'm really fine. Okay?"
"Sit down for a minute (F/N) your training is over you don't need to be here."
You sit down next to Four and look him in the eye. Memories of your first fight flashing before you.
--------------------------------------------------Flash Back----------------------------------------------------
You stood waiting for your name to be called. You watch Tris go against Peter and silently hoping she would still be okay after she was taken to the infirmary. Then you hear Eric speak up and the room falls silent to listen intently.
"Alright. I'm having fun so lets have a challenge. If you think you could beat Peter here stand forward."
Of course a bunch of boys step forward. all of them eager to beat Peter but they all seemed to have the same strategy. None of them wanted to go first. They all wanted to be close to the end of the line so that when they got a turn Peter would be tired out and easy to beat. Eric asked who would go first and when all of the boys argued over last you stepped forward and spoke up.
"I will."
"You will?" Eric has an obnoxious smirk on his face and he looks like he might laugh at me. Four looks slightly worried.
"Now I'm not sure that's a good idea (F/N). "
"No. let her try."
You step forward into the ring and Get into your defensive position but before Eric can start the fight you speak up again.
"I just have one question."
"What are the rules." Eric snickers.
"Don't kill each other. Other than that there are no rules."
Peter immediately goes for the average fighting a girl tactic and goes immediately to my self esteem.
"You really think you can beat me? "
"Oh I know I can beat you." You dodge a punch and get out of his way before he can rush at you.
"Your'e pretty cocky for a girl."
"Is that so? Your pretty stupid for a human."
"Your'e one to talk. You came from Amity. You don't even belong here. You are a weak little farm girl with her head in the clouds like always."
"That's it!"
And then it was on. You could see Four step back when he saw your eyes fill with anger. You don't rush at him just yet. You dodge a few punches before he finally hits you. Busting your lip open as you feel the blood spill out of your face. You drop to the ground and wait for him to get on top of you his legs on either side of your body and you smile as you catch his fists and hold him off long enough to ram your knee as hard as you can into his crotch and hear the audibly intakes of breaths and oohh's of sympathy as he falls over in pain and you take out all of your anger on him until Eric jumps in the ring and pulls you off of him. You turn around to face him and look up at him as you lick your blood off your lips like it's frosting and then you laugh. and when Eric lets go you walk over to Peter being carried off to the infirmary and whisper into his ear. "What was that about a weak little farm girl?"
--------------------------------------------------Flash Back end-----------------------------------------------
You quickly jumped up the rankings after that. Almost every time you won a fight you laughed and most of your class thought you were insane but Eric found it extremely attractive. You were not sadistic by any means. In fact you were a little bit of a masochist in his opinion. You seem to take great joy in being in pain. Every time you got hurt you always said you were fine and laughed it off but you only laughed after a fight if you had been hurt in it. weather you lost or won. Now this Eric could definitely use to his advantage.
You were so lost in thought that you failed to see Four was getting closer and closer to you. You heard him say something about worrying if you were alright and then before you could think his lips were on yours. Your eyes widened and his hands snaked around your shoulders and into your hair pressing you against him. You were about to break away when you hear a voice you know all too well.
"Hey (F/N) are you- What the hell?!"
The next thing you know Four is pulled off of you and Eric is pulling you behind him while he glares daggers at Four. If looks could kill they would have both been dead instantly.
"What were you doing?"
"I was making a move on the girl I like."
"You were kissing her!"
"She isn't yours Eric!"
"Oh yes she is."
"Eric don't-"
"You hush you are in just as much trouble as he is."
Before anything else can be said Eric drags you up to his apartment. As he pulls you through the door you say, "Eric please I can explain.'" As soon as the door slams shut you are slammed against it.
"I would hold my tongue if I were you."
In an instant his lips are crashed against yours and you immediately kiss him back. Your hands slowly moving to wrap around his neck and your fingers twirling and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He kisses you roughly. Full of passion and anger and jealousy. You knew he was jealous of Four.He had always been afraid you would pick Four instead of him and now that you picked Eric he was guarding you. His kiss breaks so you can breathe and then his lips are attacking your neck. Your breathing is shuddering and you hold back moans as he finds that sweet spot on your neck.
"You have been a very bad girl. Were you cheating on me?"
"I wasn't cheating on you Eric. He kissed me I was truing to get him off of me when you walked in."
"Why do I not believe you?"
Cause your'e a jealous brat."
"Oh i'm the brat?"
Before you can respond he's kissing you again and your legs are wrapped around his waist as he picks you up. He caries you to the bed before he removes his shirt and yours. You are so lost in kissing him you don't notice him moving your arms up until you hear the clicking and realize he's handcuffed you to the headboard.
"Now my dear. you have been a very bad girl. and you know what happens to bad girls? They get punished," He leans down to your ear and whispers, "I think it's time I remind you who your master is."
Just like that His lips were back on yours. He roughly kisses you again this time his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip asking for entrance. When you refuse him he bites your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. You taste the blood in your mouth and moan into the kiss. He uses his wet muscle to explore each and every spot in your mouth like pioneers in new territory. eventually he breaks the kiss and moves down to your neck and bites your sweet spot hard. You cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.
His hands roam your body. His mouth covers your neck, throat, and collar bone with love bites and then suddenly he's gone. You look over to see him standing up and removing his pants. He is left only in boxers and he reaches into the bedside drawer to pull out something that made you shiver in both fear and delight. He pulls the small switch blade out the dresser drawer and slowly walks over to you. He looks down at your bra and places the tip of the blade on your chest easing the blade under the cloth strip keeping the flimsy fabric together. "I hope you weren't attached to this one," he says before he cuts open. 'Accidentally' nicking you in the process.
He dips his head down to the valley between your breasts and licks up the blood as you moan at the sensation of it. He kisses the minor wound before taking the nipple of one breast into his mouth and squeezing the other one in one hand. His free hand travelling down to inside your pants where he teases your sensitive folds through the fabric of your panties. You moan loudly. Knowing the room is sound proof for interrogations.
After switching from one breast to the other and giving it equal treatment he slowly pulls your pants and panties down. You see him move down to your lower area. You feel him kissing your thighs and occasionally sending shocks of electric painful pleasure up your spine when he bites them. You feel his hot breath on your entrance and pull tirelessly at your restraints. Desperate to touch him. When he suddenly takes one long slow lick up your folds you throw your head back and gasp. He continues to enjoy the moans groans and sighs he elicits from your mouth as his is licking sucking and biting at your entrance. He starts to suck at your clit and you feel his finger enter you. Continuing to suck and occasionally nibble your clit as he adds two more fingers. You are already Screaming his name when he hits that sweet spot inside you and then you are a moaning mewling mess beneath him and just when he sees you about to tumble over the edge, he stops.
"What the hell Eric don't stop."
"You don't get to call the shots here."
"Eric please."
"Please what? stop? I can stop."
"NO! Eric please just fuck me already."
"What was that?"
he takes my chin in his hand and lifts it up so I have to look him in the eyes. They are filled with anger and want and lust . "You know (F/N) you have really dirty mouth. But i'm the only oe who knows it. You know why? cause i'm the only one that make you beg like that."
And before you realize what's happening his boxers are thrown into some unknown corner of the room and he is plunged deep inside you. He pounds into you with no remorse. Your moans and pants music to his ears that hits the chorus every time his name falls from your lips. You are so close nd he sees it. slowing down to tell you, "Don't you dare cum until I tell you to."
He speeds up again and is so close to the edge himself. You are barley holding it together and so close to disobeying him and just cumming anyways when he speaks up again.
"Who do you belong to?"
"Who is you?"
"That's right. I am the only one who make you feel this way. I am the only one who can satisfy you like this. And you belong to me and only me. Now cum for me."
You don't have to be told twice. as soon as the words leave his mouth you tumble over the edge. Your voice is lost and your vision goes white as you reach your orgasm. Eric continues to thrust into you until he cums deep inside you. the warmth spreading as it fills you. he rolls off of you and collapses as you both come down from your highs.
"If you ever say Fours name while i'm fucking you again, you won't get to cum. Got it my little masochist."
"Yes my little sadist."
And with that you curled up into his arms and fell asleep to the sound of his rapid heart beat and he to the sound of your slow even breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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