#1. Iwaoi || A Call

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Chapter Summary:
Oikawa calls in the middle of the night saying he doesn't want to be friends with Iwaizumi anymore
Word Count:
1352 words
I need AU ideas. So anyone?

It had been bothering Iwaizumi for a week now, that Oikawa was acting strange. Even though everything was normal physically, he knew that something was wrong deep inside. He could feel it in his gut, his sixth sense (something's wrong with Oikawa sense) are tingling. Oikawa had grown less talkative, less social and did not call Iwaizumi anymore in the middle of the night, complaining about the piles of essays he had to do.

Although Iwaizumi noticed this, he didn't pry to Oikawa about what was wrong and still treated him the same. This resulted to Oikawa isolating his self more from Iwaizumi. The ace did not know what to do or what to say to the setter.

He tried to think of every little sin he did to the guy until his head hurts. Tonight, he finally got a call from Oikawa.

"What is it, trashykawa? It's almost midni–"

"Iwa-chan, let's not be friends anymore" Oikawa spoke. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes thinking that Oikawa was just searching for attention.

"Yeah, okay" Iwaizumi replied and hung up.

He threw his phone on the bed beside him and tried to sleep. His phone went off again. He sighed and answered again. Before he could shout at Oikawa to piss off, Oikawa cuts him out first.

"Hajime, let's not be friends anymore" Oikawa repeated. Iwaizumi's eyes widened, this guy was serious about jeprodizing their friendship. He shot up into a sitting position.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Exactly what i'm saying. I think we need space" Oikawa replied. Iwaizumi's face scrunched. He's making it sound like there's something between us.

But the truth was, he never expected the brunette to ask for 'space'. He could hardly go on a day without Iwaizumi by his side. He'd be losing his sight in mind without Iwa, he'd be practicing until he breaks without Iwa. He could hardly believe what was going out of Tooru's mouth. There was silence for a moment in both sides.

"Why?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice almost sound broke. When Oikawa did not answer, he's worry increased. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I'm what's wrong! I'm just too sensitive! It's my fault, and i'm sorry for putting you through this, hajime" Oikawa answered with a frustrated tone. Iwaizumi flinched at the way Oikawa called him.

"Tell me about it" Iwaizumi retorted.

"You wouldn't understand" Oikawa sighed in the phone. I always do, dumbass.

"Try me" Iwaizumi replied determined. He picked up a pillow by his side and strangled it between his legs. He could hear another sigh escape his mouth. Iwaizumi's spine shivered at how uncharacteristically Oikawa's sigh was. It was somewhere in between a peaceful sigh and a breathy one. It was overwhelming for Iwa.

"I feel like– like you're tired of me you know!" An exasperated Oikawa groans at the phone. Tired of you?

"Like, I've been trying to be extra nice to you! To stop, or at least lessen annoying you! But then It just feels so unworthy cause your so nice to Makki and Matssun. You treat me so differently! Like when you say that I'm disgusting or whatever, it hurts you know!"

Iwaizumi's eyes widened. He didn't knew Oikawa felt that way. He thought that all he was doing was to protect Oikawa.

"I know that it's a sign of how deep our friendship have come to and I'm just overreacting, but I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable! Lately, when I see you converse with Maki and Matssun like that, makes me feel agitated. I'm like, 'why can't iwa-chan talk to me like that?'. More over, when you called me disgusting in front of the team when I was just trying to hug you for doing a great job. Calling me 'trash' or 'ass' is okay, but that was something else"

Iwaizumi irked, but he still listened carefully, every word coming out was sticked into his mind.

"If you don't like to hang out with me anymore Iwa-chan, it's cool. I am too emotional and dirty in your eyes" Oikawa added lastly with sounds of sniffles in the end. Iwaizumi frowned, this guy's crying over their relationship status and over such a silly reason. But Iwaizumi supposed that he might really have hurt the setter. The raven sighed before standing up and leaving the bed.

"I'm coming over, stupid" Iwaizumi announced. The other line was full of sniffs here and there.

"Yeah, okay" Oikawa answered after a minute of hesitation.

Iwaizumi hanged up and sighed again for the umpteenth time. Oikawa really was a pain in the ass to handle, really painful. But he was Iwaizumi, Oikawa's knight in shining armour, the only guy who could handle him, the Naruto to his Sasuke.

He picked up a jacket and crept down the stairs, making sure his steps didn't make a sound as he did. He left the house and walked unto the house next door. He skillfully climbs a tree that was beside of Oikawa's balcony. They did this when they were still kids, so Iwaizumi knows where to step, and where not to step.

He successfully climbed up the balcony and laid his fingers on the cold glassy door. He tapped at the glass ever so lightly, indicating that he had arrived. The curtains unveiled and showed a red eyed Oikawa in his pajamas. He unlocked the glass door and went to flop at his bed (his back facing up) leaving Iwaizumi to open the glass door by his own.

He looked over the slumping Oikawa and closed his eyes for a moment before approaching the guy's bed and sitting on it.

"You really came" a silent mutter was heard from the brunette. Iwaizumi gritted his teeth. He laid down on Oikawa's bed, his head landing on Oikawa's waist.

"Dumbass. You really had me worried you know" Iwaizumi spoke. He could feel Oikawa's back stop raising for a moment. Oikawa tensed up for a while but didn't speak or hum a reply. They just laid there in silence, thinking of their next move.

Iwaizumi slowly took Oikawa's hand in his, entangling their hands together.

"I'm sorry" Iwaizumi mutters. Oikawa sighed heavily but still chose not to speak.

"You were just super sweaty at that time. It was a bad time to be clingy" Iwaizumi explained. When Oikawa still did not speak, Iwaizumi suspected that he was doing it on purpose and started rubbing his head on the setter's waist.

"Iwa-chaan!" the brunette whined. Oikawa was forced to sit up just to stop Iwaizumi's rarely childish gestures. They were both in a sitting position now, face to face, Oikawa's face still freshly flushed. Iwaizumi took both of Oikawa's hands in his.

"I swear I'd agree to stop being your friend if only you weren't so helpless, assikawa. So don't ask a stupid question. I'm sorry if I overdid those insults" Iwaizumi brought their hands  into his forehead and leaned on it.

"But I really don't want to be nothing to you. I don't want to unfriend you or something. I don't like the thought of it. I don't wanna lose you. So I'm sorry, you emotional trash" Iwaizumi murmured, his voice no more less than a whisper. He lifted his head to see a crying Oikawa, a snot falling down his nose. Iwaizumi lets go of their hands to take out a handkerchief  but was unsuccessful because Oikawa had pounced on him hard making them both fall of the bed.

"Oikawa, you–!" Iwaizumi was cut off by a body crushing hug from Oikawa.

"I love you, Hajime" Oikawa gave a cheeky smile, making the raven blush. Oikawa's eyes were wide open looking straight at Iwaizumi. He couldn't look away, the giant brown orbs of Seijou's captain was too captivating. They looked like they were waiting a response, which Iwaizumi had no choice but to give.

"Love you too, dumbass"


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