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Deans pov:

I looked at my baby sister in her crib. I had to stand up on my toes to see over the bars.

"Daddy, did you check under Sammy's bed for the monsters?" I asked looking up at Dad. He just smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Sure did Dean," I smiled.

But then it hit me. "What about the closet?" I asked.

"Monster free. Mommy checked already," I let out a huge breath o didn't know I was holding. Dad picked me up and carried me to my room.

"Don't worry. I will check under your bed and in your closet too," he promised, kissing my temple. I yawned.

"Okay, daddy." Dad was the best at scaring the monsters away.

So is mommy. I wouldn't want to get in her way if I were a monster. I have seen her with the fire pokey stick for the fireplace. She's scary when she holds it. It's almost like she's holding a sword like a knight.

Dad placed me on my bed before ducking to see underneath my bed.

"Nothing kiddo," He promised. He stood back up and three the closet door open. "Nothing here either." He smiled before walking to the door. "Goodnight Dean."

"Goodnight daddy." He turned off the light and closed the door behind him.


Just after I fell asleep, I heard mommy scream. I felt icy cold. I jumped out of bed. I didn't know where she was. But I saw dad rum to Sammy's room.

"Mary!" I don't think I ever seen dad more terrified in his life.

I ran to my sister's room and dad instantly put Sammy in my arms. "Take your sister out side and don't look back. Go Dean, now!" I nodded. I ran down stairs and to the door. It took a moment to undo the lock while holding Sammy. She kept slipping but I managed. She was crying and I couldn't stop it.

I ran out side and made the mistake of looking at the house. The window that was from Sammy's room was spitting out fire as if it was a dragon.

I was so scared. Dad ran out of the house and straight to us. He grabbed Sammy and looked her over. I didn't notice it until now, but she had something red on her cheek and lips.

It looked like blood, like she had a cut. Sorta like when I fell down.

Dad just kept crying. And crying. I kept looking at the house thinking mommy was coming but she never did. Soon I heard sirens. Like a firetruck.

It turned out that it was a firetruck. I used to want to be a firefighter, but not anymore. I didn't want this. I don't want to be reminded of this whenever I help with one.

"Daddy, where is mommy?" I whispered. Dad just looked at me.

"She's gone." He sounded so small and scared and broken and he was starting to cry again. Then it hit me.

Mommy was gone gone. Like she isn't coming back.

"Will the angels be there for her?" She always told me that angels were looking down at us. But where were they when mommy got stuck in the fire breathing house?

"I don't know, Dean, I don't know."

I'm so terrible. Starting a new story when I haven't finished the ones I'm working on. So yeah. I hope that you enjoy this all you Supernatural fans.

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