The beginning

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Marks POV:
It had been a long day and I had been sat inside for the most of it so I decided to take Chica out for a walk down the beach. I grabbed her lead and called for her.
"Chica bica! Come on let's go for a walk!"
She came bounding towards me and I put on her lead.
"Phone check, keys check, wallet check!"
I locked my front door and Chica and I made our way to the beach. As soon as we reached the beach I let her off the lead and she made a bee line for the rockier part of the beach. The sun was starting to set slowly and the air was warm. I struggled across some of the rocks and slipped on a few others. As I was concentrating on not falling Chica must have run off because she sure wasn't in front of me now. As I turned the corner I saw Chica's tail waggling hectically I suddenly realised that she had pinned someone down. I managed to pry Chica away from her pray and help up the poor man. He had eyes as blue as the ocean on a sunny day and they were easy to get lost in.
"I'm sorry about Chica she is a very enthusiastic girl. Are you okay?"
He had a cheeky smile plastered across his face.
"Yeah I'm fine!"
He extended his hand and I shook it firmly
"The names Jack! And who might you be?"
I could tell he wasn't from around here as he had a thick Irish accent.
"I'm Mark nice to meet you!"
"It's a pleasure! I was wonderin' do ye by any chance know where the nearest cafe is?"
"Yeah just down the road I was planning on heading there now. Would you like to join me?"
I hadn't actually planned on going but I was intrigued by this ocean eyed beauty.

*short time skip because idk what else to write*

We had approached the cafe and had ordered a coffee. I was really curious as to why Jack had come here.
"So what made you want to come to L.A.?"
He had a sudden hurt look on his face like I had asked about his personal life.
"I'm sorry! You don't have to answer."
"Yeah... It was a... a family thing... They didn't umm accept my life choices. Career wise."
I wanted to know more but I didn't want to seem rude so I kept my curiosity to myself and just drank my coffee. As I put down my coffee cup I looked over at Jack and he was staring right at me. Not that I minded as his eyes were so beautiful and calm.
"Do ya know where the closest hotel is?"
There weren't that many anywhere near where we were.
"There aren't any nearby but there are some in the next but one county* so unless you are prepared for a long walk ahead you could always take my couch?"
"Aye thanks seemings as you offered are you sure it's okay?"
"Yeah it's fine it's only down the road."
As I wasn't expecting company my house looked like a bomb had hit! I took Chica off her lead and she ran straight for her bed.
"Please excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting guests."
"It's okay."
His accent was so thick it's was almost impossible to understand what he was saying but I somehow managed it. He set his stuff down by the door and I made my way to the kitchen to make something to snack on.
"What kinda snacks do you like Jack?"
"Oh unmm I don't mind!"
With that I opened the cupboard to my left and grabbed a box of cheez-it's and poured some into a large bowl. I took the bowl through to the front room and place them down on the coffee table. I really wanted to know more about Jack so i decided to to suggest that we take it in turns to say any relevant facts about ourselves to which he agreed. We were talking until the early hours of the day. It was 3:30 am before we said goodnight and left each other alone. That night all I could think about was Jack and his blue ocean eyes.

A/N YO YO YO!!! Well that was cheesy... Anywho no I'm not dead!!! I decided to write this because well I have been craving writing something and this just seemed appropriate seemings as I have just gotten back from walking my dog down at a rocky beach by where I am. I hope this first chapter isn't effing shite and stuff but it was fun to write and I have already got amazing plans for this story! See ya in the next chapter!!!!! Xxx
Also I forgot to add what the star was about! *i had literally no idea what word to put as I am not from America so I guessed if it doesn't make any sense I'm so god damn sorry!!!

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