Section 1: Meeting a Monster

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Another camping trip. Well, you couldn't exactly call it that, considering ever since we got rid of the pop-up camper, we started 'camping out' in a log cabin we would rent. This time it was to a new park with an expansive forest and hiking trails. I sure hoped it wasn't going to be like last time, were it rained during the hike. "Come on Josaline, get up! We need to get ready to leave!" I hear my parents call. I let out a miserable moan, and quite literally get out of bed. And by get out, meaning I slowly ooze out taking my time, and making my parents all the more irritated at me. They always got irritated to easily, saying I worried too little, while I thought they worried too much. Meh. I put my clothes on and took the pre-packed suitcase and left for another groggy week in a cabin.

I'll be honest, I slept through most of the car ride. I know, I know, I should just enjoy watching the pretty cars pass by and be happy with myself. But no, dreaming is far more fun. Then I can dream about blowing up the cars instead of just watching them drive past. Fun right? When we finally arrived we did the boring task of unpacking, I got my own room, and promptly messed up the pillows, throwing them against the wall and burrowing underneath the covers like some sort of worm, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I enjoy life too much. 


It was dark out, and people were warned not to go out after night. But a few curious souls. Bless their hearts! Came out to see the night life. They of course did not know that I would be part of that night life. But no one came tonight, it was dark and empty. Desolate was a good word for it. The cabin lights were off, all except one, shame for whomever it was to be a night owl but not be brave enough to come out in the night. I was hungry. I looked in the window to find a girl, roughly about 18, bouncing on her bed in what seemed to be pure delight. Such boundless energy! Whatever possessed her to act in such a childish manner? It was confusing that was sure, but fun to watch. That was until she looked towards her window.


Ah, hell, naw. Okay, back it up. That was way. Uh uh. No. No. "You had better just be a figment of my sleepy self or I will fuck you up!!" I shouted at the figure in the window who looked exactly like Slenderman. "I will take your tentacles and cook-you know what?" I said looking at the figure. "I'm just going to close these blinds and pretend this neveh, eveh, happened? Okay? okay." I gave the figure two big thumbs up and closed the blinds. That was not cool man. NOT COOL. I seriously needed some sleep, I had stayed up till 11:30, no way in hell am I falling asleep now. That was batshit terrifying. I had thought he wasn't real, and I planned to keep it that way. I shut the lights out, and buried myself underneath the covers.


That went surprisingly better than expected, most people who saw me couldn't even speak. The expression on her face had not been what I had expected. At first it was, one of horror. Then a wicked grin had spread across her face and she had started threatening me. It was probably because she felt safe behind the glass. She must have known who I was, I didn't even have my tentacles out, yet she had threatened to cook them. How amusing. Instead of me eating her she would eat me. I stood next to her window a bit longer to hear what appeared to nervous laughter coming from her room. Interesting. Very interesting. Most people cried.


That was just a great night. I barely got any sleep, and feared for my life. Wonderful. Just wonderful. And I had planned on going on a hike today. But I felt compelled to go, even though I knew that creature was still out there. I should have brought a knife. Or an AK-47. That would have been nice. But oh no, I just had to get dressed and walk out into the dumb woods. And considering I had turned 18 recently, my parents agreed I could go by myself. Fun. They would be doing other things while I was compelled by Slendy-magic to go into the woods. Great. Just great. I just knew I would have a fun time being eviscerated by this creature. But he hadn't killed me last night, even when I guess he could have. I walk on the path, trying to estimate how high I would have to kick to break one of his knees.


 I was currently in my mansion in the underrealm dimension reading the newspaper. I never went out during day-time. But, today, I would make an exception. I would go out, and only go out, to see if that charming girl had decided to take a hike. I might get spotted, that was always a risk, but I could always just portal away, back home. I headed out. Portalling near one of the paths that I sensed was less walked upon. That was, the hardest hiking trail there was. I had a feeling this girl was not one to shy away from a challenge, and she would most likely hike this one.


Fun. Just fun. I came out here terrified. "FOR NOTHING!!!" I yelled shouting at the trees as I climbed over the rough rocks that littered the path. I had chosen the toughest path, the one with jagged rocks, and steep slopes, I had brought snacks and water, no hiking cane. Those were for wimps. I sat down on one of the rocks and took a sip of water, pushing my dark hair out of my eyes. I should have brought a ponytail for the two long strands that were my bangs. The rest was short. I definitely wasn't raining. But clouds had gathered and I feared for the worst. Dumb clouds, they were not here before, I had not packed for such an occasion. I took out my phone to take a picture of the scenery, but it would not work. There was static. "Oh, so now the douche decides to show up and kill me...greeeaaaaaat." I said sarcastically, as I sat and waited on my doom to show up. Then I would run. 


She could not see me, I was hidden among the trees. But when she got out her phone, I knew she could interpret I was nearby. That was if she knew me well enough. When I saw her mumble sourly to herself, I was almost certain she knew I was there. But she just...sat there. As though waiting for me. But the wait was not long, after only five minutes, she threw her hands up and continued on her trail. Towards me. As I looked at her in the sunlight I could see that for a human, she was rather attractive...with caramel skin and dark hair...I shook off the thought, she was walking ever nearer to my hiding spot.


He was nearby, I knew this, I kept looking at my phone as it got more and more staticky. It was almost like Slendy-Detector. I giggled at this thought, then looked up. I shouldn't have looked up. Because there he was, pasty skin and all, Slenderman. I looked at him, then looked at phone, then back again. "How, about noo." I grinned turned on heel and ran. I wasn't putting up with this shit.


Was that how she reacted to all dangerous situations? To grin like a maniac? I almost seemed pasta-like to do such a thing. Of course that thought was eliminated as she turned tail and ran. Typical. And definitely not pasta-like. I took one step and pick her up in my tentacles by a foot. And watched her squirm. 


My initial reaction to any scary situation that seems surreal is to spaz. So I did. "I'm sorry I called you a douche, and ever read any Slenderman fanfics, and ever looked you in the eye, or laughed at dumb jokes, or or...hey your going to kill me right? So how about you give me my death wish, I wanna try human ribs, take out one of mine, and feed it to me!" That was seriously my death wish. I should have warned you I was weird. The tall creature just looked at me tilted his head to the side and laughed.


This creature was highly amusing. Was she actually serious about wanting to eat one of her own ribs? I continued to chuckle. "This is a not funny situation! I am about to be skewered here and you're laughing!?" She shouted at me. I set her down, she was pouting in a most adorable manner now. I think I would keep this one around.


He had set me down. And was laughing at me. Saved by my own stupidity. Maybe he would leave me be? I backed away slowly, hoping he wouldn't notice, then maybe, just maybe I could run away. He immediately stopped laughing as soon as I backed up. Then in a growl said, "Your not going anywhere!" And with black tendrils lashing picked me up and held me firmly. I could hear static in my ears. I was blacking out. I fought it, to no avail. I was now his prey.

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