What's your sign?

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Hi! I have been wanting to make a zodiac facts book for awhile. Thank you for reading this!

So, here's how this is gonna work: (I hope you know your birthday, cause it might come in handy with this sort of thing!)
Okay. Find the range where your birthday falls, look to the left ⬅️ and viola!-there's your zodiac sign!

Aries- March 20th-April 19th
Taurus- April 19th-May 20th
Gemini- May 20th-June 20th
Cancer- June 20th-July 22nd
Leo- July 22nd-August 22nd
Virgo-August 22nd-September 22nd (I'm a Virgo ☺️)
Libra- September 22nd-October 23rd
Scorpio- October 23rd-November 21st
Sagittarius- November 21st-December 21st
Capricorn- December 21st-January 19th
Aquarius- January 19th-February 18th
Pisces- February 18th-March 20th

Alright! Got your sign? Let's get going then!

Oh, please don't forget to vote for these chapters if you like them, and please comment what you think, I wanna read them (: thank you.

Okay. Now we can go.

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