The Sweetest Sound

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Belle awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window and the sun shining in. She stretched her arm behind her, feeling where her husband was supposed to be. She rolled onto her back and propped herself up on her elbows. That's when it hit her: the smell of bacon and the sound of Rumple talking in the kitchen. She crept down the stairs and peered into the kitchen. 

Rumple stood at the stove making scrambled eggs, their seven month old daughter on his hip. As he worked, he talked to his daughter, "What else do you think mommy would like? Eggs, bacon, strawberries... A breakfast fit for a queen. That's what mommy is, Emily Rose. My Queen." He put his work down for a moment so he could hold Emily with two hands. He turned her towards him and looked into her eyes, which were exactly like her mother's. "And that make you my princess," he whispered to her. He put her in her highchair, placing a kiss on her forehead. He turned back to the stove and saw Belle, watching him with a smile on her face and a single tear in her eye. "You are supposed to be in bed still, Mrs. Gold."

"Am I now, Mr. Gold?" she teased. "I woke up and there was no "Wall of Rumple" to keep me from rolling off the bed." He emptied the pan of eggs onto a plate and turned to look at his wife. 

"I'll make up for that later," he said with  a wink. "But right now, I must ask you to return to your room. Emily and I will be up momentarily."

"Fine," she said with a half-pout and those puppy eyes that made Rumple's heart melt. 

"Best not to keep her waiting," he advised his daughter. Rumple assembled a tray to bring up to his wife: breakfast, a rose, and a new book. Expertly, he balanced the tray on one arm and carrying Emily in the other. As he entered their room, he was greeted by the sight of Belle sitting against the headboard, knees pulled up to her chin, gazing out the window. He had never seen her more perfect.

"Breakfast is served," he announced, breaking her reverie, as he set the tray on her lap. Rumple carried Emily to the other side of the bed and sat next to Belle, their daughter in his lap. Immediately Belle reached for the book. She didn't even try to hide her squeal of excitement as she read the cover.

"Pride and Prejudice!!!! I love this story! Thank you, Rumple!" She planted a kiss on his cheek. He waited as she opened the front cover. Her hand covered her mouth as she gasped quietly.Inside the front cover was her daughter's tiny handprint and Runplestiltskin's handwriting. 

Happy first Mother's Day to the best wife and mother in all the realms. All our love, Rumplestiltskin and Emily Rose.

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