Untitled Part 2

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I lead the way as this red haired boy followed. His hair was a magnificent crimson with adorable blonde at the roots. I attempted to seem calm and composed but inside I was panicking. Why am I feeling this way towards someone... A FREAKING GUY, at that!!! I ran my hand through my mess of hair. I want to shave my head but my mom banned me from such task. I stop just short of the swings and turn towards the stockyish boy. "I'm Jonah" I say reaching my hand towards him. He takes it. My minds spins, and my feet nearly collapse against my stunned body.

"I'm, um, I'm Gabe," He stammers adorably. My face starts to warm and I turn around to slyly hide my red cheeks. I feel slight, warm friction against my left upper arm, causing my hand to instinctivly reach for its place above my elbow. Hand gripping my arm, I turn my attention to Gabe passing me. He sits on one of the worn plastic swings with a huff and begins to rock back and forth. For some reason I deperatley want to get closer to him. I want to wrap him in embrace but i barely know him. "So tell me about you," I say with a careless exhale. I have to seem calm and collected. If he sees me acting like this he'll be creeped out. Why am I acting so gay. I've never had a girlfriend but I've never thought about batting for the other team. As my stomach continued to churn with nerves and cheeky emotions the crimson boy spilled out his life and i fell more in love

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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