Chapter 1 - End

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When his bestfriend told him that he adopted a cat, Jackson never knew that 'the cat' is, not usual cat you can find.

There's stood in front of him, a boy probably 17 or 18 years old. With black hair and grey sparkling eyes. Wearing one of his bestfriend shirt that too big for him barely covering is ass. And Jackson could tell that the boy didn't wear anything beside the shirt he just wearing just now.

"Who's coming Bam?" He could hear Mark's voice from inside the apartment. Bambam? Isn't that the name of the cat?

And it hit him, suddenly he realized that the boy in front of him has a pointy black cat ears and his black tail waving around behind him.

"I.. don't know." Bambam said hesitated, and Jackson blushed rapidly because he just realized he stared so hard at the boy features.

"Oh Jackson!" Mark suddenly came from out of nowhere and gave him a hug. "It's been so long since the last time we see each other."

"Well yeah since you always refused to join our usual hangout." Jackson said while taking off his shoes and followed Mark inside apartment and sat on the couch.

He couldn't not notice how clingy Bambam it to Mark, how he wrap his hand tightly around the other male and how Mark looked like he couldn't get an inch away from Bambam.

"Well you see that now i have this little kitty with me, kinda hard to get out and play with you guys." Mark said while patting Bambam's head who curled on his lap.

"Well.. I'm a bit shocked." Jackson laugh nervously. "I never thought that when you said you will adopt a kitten, it turned out to be a catboy."

"Well, actually i just want a normal kitten first." Mark said still stroking Bambam's head. "But i changed my mind after i saw him. He's extraordinarily beautiful, don't you think?"

And Jackson couldn't help but to nodded to that. Bambam is beautiful. And every move he made, felt so gracious. Even the way he sleep on Mark's lap so different. It's beautiful.

They continue their talk, because Jackson almost forgot the reason he visited Mark. But saved by Jinyoung's call who asked him whether he delivered the invitation or not to him.

Jinyoung's sister will get married in 2 weeks. But because the wedding will be in Busan, they need to take a two day vacation.

"I will come." Mark said, "but i don't know if Bambam will want to come or not. But it's kinda impossible to leave him all alone here for 2 days. I should call a pet-sitter first."

"Pet-sitter? But he will be able to cook and eat by himself right?" Jackson said, kinda distracted at how now Bambam shirt shifted up and now his round ass exposed. "But, can you dress him with more decent clothes?"

"What do you mean?" Mark said looked at his catboy and then laugh so hard and made Bambam groan because he was disturbed in his sleep.

"Oh my goodness Jackson i forgot that you're still virgin!" Mark said still laughing but whisphered an apologies to the boy on his lap and encourage him to go to sleep again.

"What!? It's not what i mean just," Jackson blushed madly. "Try to cover him more a little bit."

It's true that, despite his wild and sexy nickname, Jackson actually never get laid. He's bery conservative person and he never dared to get laid with anyone he feel like it. Something like that need to be done with someone you love, he always said.

"Maybe Bambam can help you a little bit Jack?" Mark said, and Bambam perks up at the mentioned of his name, looking at Mark with his confused innocent looks.

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