"If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good."

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"If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good."

Sitting in an overheated room, there I was, minding my own business and trying not to get the attention of my, sometimes pretty judgy, family. Casually, I was relearning my updated old laptop that I had gotten for christmas of 2012. It would overheat and load as slow as internet explorer on the daily, but it was the only thing I could use because I had recently gotten my school Ipad taken away from me.

Generally I would go to school at an impossible time and listen to my teachers speak until my head felt like exploding from the many topics I had to memorize for upcoming quizzes and tests. The only reason I'm not there is because summer break finally came and now I have nothing to do in my 2 and a half months of freedom. But don't let my nothingness fool you, I am enjoying my nothingness a whole lot. No responsabilities and no people for me to hang out with or talk to. It's the greatest thing for in introverted antisocial pessimistic being such as I.

Basically, I'm 16 and I'm boring and all I do is eat sleep internet and repeat. Until one day I met this boy. Not an ordinary boy, a boy that was named jaiden. I know exactly what you're thinking because I too have thought that thought. Was he hot? To answer your question, HELL YEAH BABY. He was smoking hot, but the thing was, he was insane. Like absolutely crazy, a lunatic, lost his damn marbles, you get what I mean right? Anyways, the meeting went a little like this.

I was laying on my bed with my laptop on top of me. Oh, and I was watching anime for the hundreth time. By the way, I never really liked anime until I figured out that anime was actually pretty funny and cute, but thats besides my story. Anyways, someone knocked on my door.

*Knock knock knock* I knew I should probably answer it but as anyone would've at my age I decided to leave whoever it was outside. I mean, stranger danger, right? WRONG. The dude just went right up to my window and knocked on it there. Now this is down right crazy, but the only thing that made me slightly panic was the fact that my window was the second story, meaning that this dude either brought a goddamn ladder or he had some flying superpower that only exists in those dumb fantasy movies. So I started to panic and I shut my blinds and locked myself in my room and y'know maybe hid under my bed. I grabbed my phone and shouted at this flying criminal- wait, was he a criminal? Honestly, i don't even know, I think I just kinda assumed.- "Get the fuck away from my room before I call the cops!"

He spoke excitedly back at me "Melodie? Don't you remember me? It's Jaiden! Let's go we have to hurry!" I rolled out from under my bed carefully. I gave him a no-I-don't-know-you-what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about face as I was lifting my shades back up.

"Sir, I think you are at the wrong house. " I tried to lie my way out of talking to this guy because I sorta recognized him. Where would I recognize him? Oh yeah. I know. From my dream that I guess wasn't a dream.

"Melodie, let's go, you're gonna get sick if you don't come with me" He told me with an honest face. I know what I replied was pretty dumb but I couldn't help but want the adventure that he was offering me. I decided, YOLO.

"Meet me downstairs." I quickly closed the blinds and opened my closet and threw on some black shorts and a tank top. I put a little makeup on and put my hair in a bun with a headband. I sprayed perfume on and ran downstairs with my phone and earbuds. I shoved my feet into my new vans and ran to the window by my front door. I see the handsome guy who said his name was Jaiden.

Jaiden was a tall guy. He had glowy skin and blue eyes. He was dark and muscly but also not too muscly. I was confused on why this guy was looking for me. I blushed when we made eye contact. I quickly pushed the curtains back and considered just staying home. Oh well, It's not like I like him or anything. I open my door and take a step outside. It was warm, well duh it was warm, it's summer. I took a breath in and felt a giddy emotion taking over my body because of how I missed being spontaneuous and adventurous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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