Samantha's pov
It's a Monday I have to go to to collage cause, I have little skill on playing bass as in little skill I mean none. My mum thinks just cause Emily I'm little sister can play I should know how to play. I'm not your typical 19 year old girl I love video games as Fifa and Mario cart 8 and more. Annie Pokemon and the tv show how I meant your mother. I love to sing and the band all time low and more shit like that. My mates are Cassie ,Luke, Michael and Ashton. My sister Emily is only 16 years old and annoying as fuck, I'm like a boy I gauss Cassie said if I was a boy she would date me. I gauss I'm pretty Luke and the other boys said I am but that doesn't mean I think I am. Oh and my name is Samantha platteborze I die my hair a lot as fuck if u can see in the pic I am the one sticking my tongue out. Cassie is the one doing the peace sign.
So yeah wanna know how I fell in love with my bass teacher well read on I gauss.